Hybrid Events
If you organize a hybrid meeting, there are a few decisions you have to take as an organizer:
- Which platform and format is best suited to your event?
- How will you attribute the different roles of host, co-host, panelists and attendees?
- Who will take care of the chat, a poll, of sharing documents on screen or playing video messages?
- Will the event be recorded? Are you planning a webcast or a streaming to social media?
When you inform your speakers and meeting participants about accessing the platform, you should also encourage them to use the right setup and test connectivity.
Here is your guide to all you need to know about organizing a hybrid meeting:

Participants can test their connection one hour before the meeting starts. The focus is on speakers during a session, i. e. anyone who is known to take the floor. For the morning session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. testing starts at 9 am. For the afternoon session from 3 to 6 p.m., testing starts at 2 p.m. Speakers who will intervene only in the afternoon session should test from 2 p.m. onwards.
While the layout of the conference rooms cannot be changed, decorations and flower arrangements are allowed, as long as relevant security and safety regulations are respected. Flower arrangements have to be ordered separately and cannot be provided by UN Geneva services. It is not allowed to fix anything on the walls of the conference rooms. To display posters, separate stand-alone walls can be requested. Please discuss your needs with the Meetings Management Section.
Conference organizers are free to use the dedicated door card holders, as long as nothing is permanently fixed on the doors.
Flip charts can be requested through gMeets at the moment of submitting the meeting room request. Conference organizers can also contact the service in charge directly, for example to find out if sufficient numbers of flip charts are available: unog-nameplates.conferencerequest@un.org.
Please write to ineed-unog-css-flags@un.org to request a flag for a meeting.
Please liaise with the Central Support Services/Facility Management Section, Mr. Etienne Martinet (phone: Tel.: +41 22 917 2997, email: etienne.martinet@un.org).
In principle, the consumption of food and beverages other than water in conference rooms is strictly forbidden. Water for the speakers can be requested via the official caterer, Eldora (phone: +41 22 917 5619, email: onu@eldora.ch).
The seating order is organized as per the request of the organizing Secretariat and following UN protocol. Podium and protocol arrangements should be in accordance with established United Nations standards, rules and procedures of the meeting. The Meetings Management Section and the Meetings Servicing Unit can advise on official seating protocol.