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An ongoing meeting at the Palais des Nations

Meetings and conferences are at the heart of UN Geneva's activities. This is where the international community comes together to work on topics that move our lives, from health to human rights, humanitarian aid to peace. Member States meet to discuss, to argue, and to agree. The UN puts these agreements on paper. They will later impact national laws and thus, life realities of citizens across the globe.  

Last year, 39% of meetings were held with interpretation, and between 70 and 80 million words in official documents and publications are translated every year, making the work of the United Nations widely accessible.

The UN Journal issued daily by the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) of the UN provides a schedule of meetings, events, and sessions taking place at the United Nations Office at Geneva and other UN offices around the world, with information on time and venue. It includes links to official documents by meeting. Link to UN Journal (English only)


Today's meetings at UN Geneva

09:00Room S4
UNCTAD SG Breakfast meeting with Ambassadors
Human Rights Council
PM of Romania - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 58th Session
CD WEOG Coordination meeting
09:30Room XX
Human Rights Council
58th session
Joint OECD-ECE Seminar on SEEA Implementation
Human Rights Council
Chin HR Organization - Meeting on 58th Session
G-21 meeting
32nd session
1st session
Climate Change under the Water Convention and Protocol
14th International Debt Management Conference
Specialized Section on Standardization
Human Rights Council
PM of Norway - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Maldives - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Argentina - Meeting on 58th Session
10:30Room IX
UNODA: Meetings of the High Representative
Human Rights Council
European Centre Law and Justice - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Korea - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
Committee for Justice - Meeting on 58th Session
12:00Room S4
UNODA: Meetings of the High Representative (FR, GE, UK)
13:00Room IX
Human Rights Council
League of Arab States - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Germany - Meeting on 58th Session
HRC Press Conference
Human Rights Council
PM of Lebanon - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
Physicians for Human Rights - Meeting on 58th Session
DMFAS 7 breakout room (French-speaking)
Human Rights Council
Réseau Unité pour le Développement - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Czech Republic - Meeting on 58th Session
14:30Room S1
UNEP/INC-5.2 | Meeting with UNOG Stakeholders
14:30Room XX
Human Rights Council
58th session
Joint OECD-ECE Seminar on SEEA Implementation
Human Rights Council
Justice for Iran, Ltd - Meeting on 58th Session
Human Rights Council
PM of Ukraine - Meeting on 58th Session
OCHA monthly briefing
1st session
32nd session
Specialized Section on Standardization
15:00Room S4
DMFAS 7 breakout room (Spanish-speaking)
Climate Change under the Water Convention and Protocol
Human Rights Council
PM of Norway - Meeting on 58th Session

No upcoming meetings

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