Unlocking the Future of Conferencing: Review of expanded meeting modalities
Video series on innovation in conferencing
International Geneva Task Force
In autumn 2021, following an initiative of the Director-General of the UN in Geneva, the International Geneva Task Force (IGTF) of conference-organizing entities was launched. Coordinated by the CTT-2 team and with support from the Permanent Mission of Switzerland, the IGTF kicked-off with a series of luncheons to discuss contemporary challenges and dynamics of conference organization and how the opportunities of modern technology and of the Geneva network could be leveraged. To build capacities to be ready for future developments, a series of strategic foresight workshops was organized in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Going forward, the network will continue to offer opportunities to exchange and develop joint strategies to ensure that International Geneva is a hub for modern conferencing.
Knowledge & Learning Commons and CTT-2 Event: Shape the conferences of tomorrow!
Thursday, 21 October 2021
In March 2020, conferencing stopped at the Palais des Nations. In the months since then UNOG and conference organizers brought remote participation into the mainstream, equipping rooms, training staff, and facing challenges. This new way of conferencing is more than business continuity – it opens opportunities. What works well? What doesn’t? What’s missing? Join the discussion to tell us how remote participation changed your experience of conferencing and share ideas for how we can use today’s experience for improving the future.
The recording of the event is available here: https://youtu.be/bT2_6mJGAVU
Additional resources can be found on the Commons website here: : Shape the conferences of tomorrow! Conferencing Today and Tomorrow 2 | Knowledge and Learning Commons
Kira Kruglikova, Director, Division of Conference Management (DCM)
Isabelle Valentiny, Deputy Chief of Staff / Coordinator of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 15 (UNCTAD)
Jonas Pasquier, Head of Global Affairs, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN
Moderators from DCM and Library & Archives Geneva
Knowledge & Learning Commons and CTT-2 Event: COP26: setting the tone for the conferences of tomorrow!
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
The recording of the event is available here
Additional resources can be found on the Commons website
Michelle Keating, Chief, Languages Service, DCM
Laura Lopez, Director, Conference Affairs Services at UNFCCC
Helen Wright, Deputy Director Events for COP 26, UK Government
Victoria Busby, Director of Protocol, FCDO and Vice-Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, United Kingdom Government
Kira Kruglikova, Director, Division of Conference Management (DCM)
Jonathan Morgan, Project Lead CTT-2 and from the Library & Archives Geneva