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Joint WHO/WFP Press Conference

Press Conference Announcement
New operational WHO/WFP Partnership to get to zero Ebola cases
Extensive field deployment of technical teams with expertise in epidemiology, case investigation, contact tracing and infection prevention and control is vital to stopping the current West Africa Ebola virus disease outbreak completely.
To capacitate and ensure maximum functionality of WHO’s technical teams in all districts, counties and prefectures across the three affected countries, WHO and WFP are launching an innovative, first time partnership to establish a joint operational platform.
The joint platform will provide all necessary logistic and operations support to these technical teams in the field, each of which is essential to bring cases in these countries to zero and to establish an alert and response infrastructure for future crises.
Bruce Aylward, Special Representative of the Director-General for the Ebola Response and Assistant Director-General, Emergencies, World Health Organization
Cesar Arroyo, Regional Coordinator for WFP Common Logistic Service