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WHO Press Conference

Press Conference Announcement
World TB Day.
Every year more than 3 million people who fall ill with TB are ‘missed’ by health systems and do not always get the TB services that they need and deserve. One key element in reaching the unreached is improving access to rapid and quality TB diagnostic services. Capacity has been especially weak for diagnosing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) which is one critical step in the overall response to end the MDR-TB crisis. WHO and partners will present results from a multi-country project which is a pathfinder in expanding access to diagnosis for people with MDR-TB, enabling them to get the care they need. 
Moderator: Gregory Hartl, World Health Organization
Dr Mario Raviglione, Director, Global TB Programme, World Health Organization
Dr Catharina Boehme, Chief Executive Officer, FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics)
Dr Joel Keravec, Global Drug Facility Special Advisor, Stop TB Partnership
Ambassador Philippe Meunier, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France
  Dr Philippe Duneton,  Executive Director a.i., UNITAID