تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Meeting Summaries

The Human Rights Committee this afternoon adopted its Annual Report to the General Assembly following a discussion among Committee Experts. The Annual Report covers the period from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2006 and the eighty-fifth, eighty-sixth and eighty-seventh sessions of the Human Rights Committee.

The Annual Report, which was introduced by Committee Rapporteur Ivan Shearer, notes that, since the adoption of the last report, Indonesia has become a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Kazakhstan has ratified the Covenant; and Canada, Liberia and Turkey have become States parties to the Optional Protocol, bringing the total of States parties to the Covenant to 156, to the Optional Protocol to 105, and to the Second Optional Protocol to 57.

During the period under review, the Committee considered the reports of 10 States parties, as well as the report of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, and adopted concluding observations on those reports. It further considered one country situation in the absence of a report from the State party – Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – and adopted provisional concluding observations in that respect.

Under the Optional Protocol procedure, as at 31 May 2006, the Committee adopted 40 Views on communications; declared 4 communications admissible and 25 inadmissible; and discontinued consideration of 10 communications. During the reporting period the Committee continued its consideration of an initial revised draft general comment on article 14 (right to fair trial), submitted by the Committee Rapporteur. The Committee also continued to contribute to the discussion prompted by the Secretary-General’s proposals for reform and streamlining of the treaty body system.

Topics covered by the report included the methods of work of the Committee and cooperation with other United Nations bodies; submission of periodic reports; consideration of periodic reports; consideration of communications under the Optional Protocol; follow-up activities under the Optional Protocol; and follow-up to concluding observations.

Committee Experts went over the report on a section-by-section basis, raised questions and made suggestions for minor amendments to the text. The Committee then adopted the Annual Report.

The Committee will reconvene in public at 10 a.m. on Friday, 28 July, when it will announce Bureau decisions and hold an end of session press conference.

For use of the information media; not an official record
