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Exhibition “Generating Beauty: New Beginnings at the Ends of the Earth”

Michael Møller

16 juin 2015
Exhibition “Generating Beauty: New Beginnings at the Ends of the Earth”

Message by Mr. Michael Møller
Director-General, a.i. of the United Nations Office at Geneva
United Nations Under-Secretary-General

Opening of the Side-Event Exhibition
“Generating Beauty: New Beginnings at the Ends of the Earth”

Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 18:00
Balcony, E Building, 3rd Floor – Door 40

Archbishop Tomasi,
High Commissioner Zeid,
Ambassador Rücker
Ambassador Serra
Ambassador Cordiero Dunlop
Ambassador Espinosa Garcés
Ambassador Ndungu Karau
Secretary General Silverstri
Mr. Waters,
Ladies and gentlemen,

A very warm welcome to the opening of this important documentary exhibition “Generating Beauty”, on the occasion of the 29th session of the Human Rights Council. I would like to start by thanking H.E. Archbishop Tomasi and the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See and Mr. Silvestri and the Italian NGO AVSI Foundation for their collaboration in organizing this event. I would also like to thank the Permanent Missions of Italy, Brazil, Ecuador and Kenya for their support. And of course, a special thank you to Mr. Waters, the curator of the exhibition.

These photographs take us on a journey through some of the most impoverished regions of Ecuador, Kenya and Brazil, illustrating AVSI’s laudable efforts to improve the education of disadvantaged children.

The United Nations has made great progress towards increasing access to education in developing regions. But much more needs to be done. 58 million children of primary school age are denied their right to education. 250 million children remain illiterate.

There can be no doubt that sustainable development post-2015 begins with education, but education must do more than teach children how to read, write and count. It should provide them with the tools they need to reach their full potential, to empower them to become leaders and to face the challenges to the 21st century.

It is our shared responsibility as the human family to ensure that our children have access to quality education, which is both a fundamental human right and a driver of progress. Helping youth realize their potential is arguably one of the most important things we can do together to build a sustainable future and a better world for all.

I hope you enjoy this thought-provoking, yet uplifting exhibition.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.