تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Launch of the “Tangible Earth”

Michael Møller

19 septembre 2014
Launch of the “Tangible Earth”

Introductory remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Launch of the “Tangible Earth”

Geneva International Airport
Friday, 19 September 2014 from 11:00 to 12 noon

Thank you for the opportunity to be here for the launch of the “Tangible Earth” – a truly innovative tool that enables us to see real-time displays of weather patterns, and the causes and consequences of natural hazard-related disasters.

Let me, first of all, thank most warmly Geneva International Airport for the support, allowing this new technology to be exhibited here over the coming five months. The airport is the gateway in and out of our International Geneva and is a key part of our global hub. We appreciate the airport’s readiness to use this platform to raise awareness of some of the most pressing global challenges today. We all have a responsibility, wherever we work and whatever we do, to help build a better world. With this project, the Geneva International Airport is demonstrating how to do that. We look forward to building on this partnership in the years to come.

This collaboration between the United Nations, through UNISDR, and the Earth Literacy Program will allow the millions of travellers who pass through the airport to better understand climate phenomena and their impact. It is a very creative way of showing the risks of catastrophe in any part of the world. We are all vulnerable when it comes to the risk of disasters. And we all have a role to play in addressing this risk. The “Tangible Earth” brings this message home in a very concrete way.

The “Tangible Earth” is also a unique way of highlighting the impact of the work of International Geneva on people across the planet, every single day – and often in ways that we may not think about. Disaster risk reduction is one of them. But when we look at the “Tangible Earth” the necessity of this work and its clear value for people everywhere becomes very real.

Already in June of last year, the “Tangible Earth” was in Geneva as part of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and was a great success. I know that it will enjoy the same success here at the airport, educating and engaging passengers. Because knowledge is the first step towards action.

Next week, world leaders come together in NY for the UN General Assembly and for the UN Climate Summit 2014. And the “Tangible Earth” is now here at Geneva International Airport to show us all why it is so important with meaningful political action to confront climate change and preserve our planet.

The United Nations is proud to be part of this project, which shows what we can achieve when we join forces and work together in partnership for a good cause.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.