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Session recording and video recording

It is possible to have the sound and visual recording of the hybrid meeting through WebEx. This service is free of charge and included in the cost of reservation of the WebEx platform.

After the meeting and after receipt of the payment, the NGO Liaison Unit will send to the NGO a link to get access to the session recording. It is also possible to book the sound recording for in person meetings through the booking form to be sent to the NGO Liaison Unit.

A person sitting at a laptop, testing the audio-visual services

NGO Liaison Unit
Office of the Director-General
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: + 41 22 917 13 04 - Monday to Friday: 9 to 11.30 a.m. 
Fax: +41 22 917 05 83

Filming and Photography

Both filming and photography are allowed but only inside the allocated meeting room. Visual recording by accredited NGO delegates is permitted during an NGO meeting with the approval of the event organizers and upon written notification to the NGO Liaison Unit, subject to the following:

NGOs may record the meeting proceedings with their own equipment if it does not interfere with UN equipment. Furthermore, the UN Geneva Security Service will need advance notice that larger items are being brought into the Palais des Nations, therefore NGOs should inform the NGO Liaison Unit about their intentions at least seven days prior to the meeting.