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Press Conferences
1319th Plenary Meeting of the Conference on Disarmament

Mr. President,

Distinguished Representatives to the Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you for allowing me to address you again three weeks after my 20 May statement in which I offered a number of suggestions aimed at helping to unblock the protracted deadlock in the Conference and thus, hopefully, facilitating the resumption of substantive negotiations.

I listened very carefully to your views on my proposals. It was a very rich and encouraging debate. I was gratified by the positive spirit in which my comments were received and by your own very constructive comments.

Many of you requested clarifications of my suggestions in order to facilitate your own future deliberations on them, and I am very happy to provide them.

But before addressing the four proposals separately in greater detail, let me make a more general comment:

My suggestions were, and are, meant to provide food for thought for your own deliberations. You are clearly the masters of the substance and procedures of the CD and that is how it should be. Just as my predecessor’s suggestions led to the establishment of the Informal Working Group, it is my hope that what I have put forward, and the ensuing discussions amongst you, will help build on and reinforce the recent new momentum, which of course also includes the current parallel discussions within the Schedule of Activities. Our shared overall objective is to move closer towards reaching the long illusive goal of resuming negotiations in the CD.

Let me now turn to the four suggestions.

First, on the search for common ground with a view to eventually producing framework convention(s) to which substantive protocols may be subsequently added:

There were divided opinions on this idea last week. It is not entirely new. In October 2008 the Secretary-General launched his 5-point nuclear disarmament proposal in which he referred to a framework of mutually reinforcing instruments leading to a Nuclear Weapons Convention with the goal of global nuclear disarmement.

Last week, our Swiss colleague drew the conclusion that such a “building-blocks approach” could provide the balance between setting a clear aim and a common objective of nuclear disarmament on the one hand, and flexibility in achieving it in a gradual manner on the other. I agree with him. Several of you also seemed to accept it and it has been proposed on several occasions by Japan.

There are, potentially, a number of elements within each agenda item on your disarmament palette around which it may be possible to garner consensus. My suggestion was aimed at encouraging you to explore those elements that could constitute a basis for future treaty negotiations.

As an analogy and a way of moving forward, I suggested that you look at past examples of framework conventions such as the CCW with its five protocols, each targeting a specific weapon type. Looking at the substantive items on your agenda and determining which of them might lend itself to such a model may be a useful way forward.

I would also like to recall the proposal put forth by Brazil on a possible structure for a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty in 2010, contained in document CD/1888, to be composed of a framework or umbrella treaty containing provisions on objectives, definitions and final clauses, and protocols.
The determination on whether or not to pursue this avenue needs to be done by the members of the CD. The Secretariat obviously stands ready to assist if and when you decide that to be useful.

Second, exploring issues on which voluntary, politically binding regimes may be negotiated.

Let me be clear that I am not suggesting a move away from the core negotiating mandate of the CD to conclude legally binding instruments. That should clearly remain your fundamental goal.

There is, however, nothing in the CD rules that prevent you, as a first step, from negotiating other types of instruments. This could help build momentum, generate mutual confidence and trust and, most importantly, allow the CD to add tangible value in strengthening the rule of law in disarmament. Any such agreements should be issue specific and could set the stage for the initial crafting of the building blocks I referred to earlier. You may wish to explore such an option within the framework of the IWG.

This suggestion also elicited diverging views from you last week. It may well be that, as has been suggested by some of our colleagues, you conclude that starting to craft voluntary, politically binding agreements may just create the illusion of progress and thus relax the pressure to reach the CD’s core objective. But as our colleague from Poland reminded us last week, there are examples of politically binding regimes that function quite effectively, even in challenging circumstances.

I would mention the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons as an example of a robust and successful politically binding instrument. Another example are the Debris Mitigation Guidelines for Space Activities, which have been accepted by the General Assembly and are now being implemented by States. The fact is that politically binding agreements have often in the past been the first step towards a negotiated legally binding agreement. The CTBT and CWC are also cases in point. Almost eighteen years after having been opened for signature and – regrettably – not yet in force, the CTBT nevertheless constitutes a powerful global norm.

My objective with this, as with my other suggestions, is to stimulate discussion amongst you by looking at different possibilities for moving forward, fully realizing that not all of them may find favor in the end.

But I am an optimist by nature and that optimism also led me to make the next two suggestions:

Setting up a subsidiary body to review the methods of work of the Conference.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea suggested last week that, rather than creating a subsidiary body to discuss the methods of work, you should meet in a more informal setting in order to nurture a frank exchange of views. It may very well be more convenient to first start with an informal exchange to see what the traffic will bear and then move to a more formal subsidiary body setting once it is clear that there is the possibility of agreement on some of these issues. I certainly hope that there will be.

Most of you agreed last week that the reasons for the current deadlock are political rather than procedural. Yet many of you also conceded that there would be merit in taking a fresh look at your working methods in order to make them help reach your goals. New realities and practices have emerged which, if codified, might serve the Conference even better.

It is in this spirit that I would like to elaborate on the suggestion by pointing to some of the areas that you might wish to look at.

The consensus rule is one such item. Rest assured that I am not sugesting that the principle of consensus should be challenged. But you may want to take a look at how its application has evolved. As the Ambassador of France reminded us last week, consensus in the CD has migrated to mean unanimity. And that unanimity requirement is being applied to all decisions, irrespective of their substantive or procedural nature, and at all stages of the decision making process, with no distinction of the importance of the issue. In this context the Ambassador of Germany also recommended a more flexible approach to the application of the rule of consensus in procedural matters and where issues of national security are not directly affected.

The nature and the role of the Presidency is another important element. Some of you elaborated on my suggestion that you formalize the practice of effective continuity from one President to the next, and suggested that it may be time to think of reducing the number of presidents per session we have now. This would imbue the work of the Presidency with greater continuity, consistency and leadership for the benefit of the CD’s efforts to revitalize its activities.

Our French colleague also reminded us that the prerogatives of the Presidents have, over the years, been reduced by increasingly restrictive interpretations of the Rules of Procedure. He implied that we should differentiate between truly important procedural matters with clear and direct substantive impact on your deliberations, and those of more organisational nature which could better be left to the President’s discretion.

I found myself very much in agreement with that view. And let me add that the CD’s Rules of Procedure a fairly flexible and that you are their masters. The Rules should serve you, not the other way around.

The CD’s representativeness is often questioned. A host of States are queuing to get in and have for years. This goes to the heart of the perception of, and trust and confidence in, the CD. Some forward movement on this issue would go a long way to restore those. I am fully aware of the reasons for the current blockage, but it ought to be possible to find imaginative ways around that problem.

There is currently no mechanism for self-review or evaluation comparable to the five-yearly reviews built into some of the outcomes of the CD – the BWC, CWC and NPT, or 10-yearly in the case of the CTBT. It may be worth considering applying the same to the CD itself.

Finally, on the matter of civil society interaction with the CD. The current rules governing that interaction were agreed to in 2004 and I do not need to tell you that the manner and content of civil society participation in everything that we do in all corners of the United Nations has evolved dramatically over the past 10 years – except in the CD.

A policy of non-engagement is simply no longer tenable in today’s world, particularly on an issue like disarmament, nuclear or non-nuclear, with such profound importance for, and impact on, every single human being. Regardless of the proposal to hold an informal CD-Civil Society consultation later this year, I would recommend a review of the now 10 year rule governing your interaction with other stakeholders. One possible moment to do so might be after the eventual holding of the event.

My suggestion of holding an informal CD-Civil Society Forum was received by you last week with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but with unanimity among those of you who spoke in welcoming the idea. I am very grateful for that!

Let me clarify how I see the next steps. First of all, the objective is to organise such a gathering in a way that is useful, enriches the disarmament debate and meets with your approval. We do not need another event in which we will hear a repetition of known positions and sterile debates. This requires some careful thought as to the participants, the subjects to be discussed and the format. Some of you already expressed views in that regard last week and I welcome further suggestions from you. The timing will be determined by the speed with which we can prepare well and other practical considerations, but I do not see this taking place before late fall or winter of this year.

I will now start the thinking and planning process with the help of my colleagues in the Secretariat and revert to you soonest with some suggestions that we can then discuss further. I will also invite ideas form our colleagues in UNIDIR, a valued partner with solid substantive expertise.

At this stage, I see this as an informal dialogue linked to, but not part of, the CD that will hopefully take a fresh look at some of the issues before you. It should allow, on the one hand, you to be better informed on how civil society views those issues and the way they are dealt with by the disarmament machinery and, on the other, allow civil society to be better informed of your positions and concerns. I have suggested that the Forum be hosted by the Secretary-General of the CD, but that is not etched in stone. It may well be that as our collective thinking evolves other possibilities emerge.

Once the Forum takes place and if you deem it to have been a success, you may then want to, as mentioned earlier, draw lessons from it as you contemplate the future of your relationship with civil society.

I hope that my intervention today has clarified the issues raised by some delegations on my proposals. I am, as always, available for further discussions anytime. I thank you, once again, for your interest and attention and look forward to continue working with you on returning the CD to its proper place in the multilateral disarmament architecture.

Thank you very much.

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