تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Join us in celebrating International Albinism Awareness Day 

with a special event featuring Patricia Willocq's photo exhibition, White Ebony under this year’s theme "A Decade of Collective Progress." Following the event, the exhibition will be presented for a week at the Mezzanine.


  • 5 p.m.: Introductory remarks:
    • Ms. Kira Kruglikova, Director of Administration at UNOG, Focal Point for Disability Inclusion
  • Official speeches:
    • H.E. Ms. Carmen Ávila, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Panama to the UN in Geneva
    • Ms. Sharon Weinblum, General Delegate of Wallonia-Brussels in Geneva, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations in Geneva
    • Ms. Uzoamaka Asiegbu, Gender, disability and inclusion specialist, ILO
    • Ms. Patricia Willocq, Artist
  • 5:30 p.m.: Keynote addresses by persons living with albinism:
    • M. Antoine Gliksohn, Executive Director, Global Albinism Alliance
    • Ms. Elisabeth Rivaux, President, Association Genespoir
    • Ms. Rosalie Malu, Secretary, Association Solidarité Albinisme Suisse
  • 6 p.m.: Official opening of the exhibition, followed by a reception

Support and partenerships

This event is supported by the Global Albinism Alliance (GAA), l’Association Genespoir, l’Association Solidarité Albinisme Suisse, the UN Independent Expert on the Rights of Persons with Albinism, Ms. Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond, the ILO, and the Permanent Missions of Belgium.