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Director-General's remarks at the Event "What counts for the future? A youth perspective on measuring what we value Beyond GDP"

Tatiana Valovaya

What counts in the future? A youth perspective on measuring what we value Beyond GDP

Wednesday, 17 April 2024, at 2.00 p.m.

Room XXVII, E Building, Palais des Nations


Welcome everyone,

My warmest congratulations to these talented youth represented here today. I had the pleasure of meeting with them this morning and hear their perspectives on why it is important to move beyond GDP, the challenges, and steps towards this goal.

While being a key issue for the UN (I am also very passionate about this topic, being an economist by training). I warmly welcome this initiative by my team at the SDG Lab, together with UNCTAD and Rethinking Economics International, to provide a space and a platform for youth to share their views and exchange with policymakers on this important issue, for today and future generations.

Youth empowerment and youth leadership is a key priority for the UN 2.0 transformation, including in the lead up to the Summit of the Future, next September. 

Here today and outside this room, we have very talented and inspiring youth generation; as the future is a collective endeavour it is crucial to prioritize meaningful youth engagement, particularly in such critical topics, stays at the forefront of these exchanges, with initiatives like this.

A change in the way we measure progress that accounts for the people, the planet and the future generation is much needed to truly fulfill the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and make real change. 

This is why the UN, under the leadership of the Secretary-General, is prioritizing a rethink of our economic system through the “Our Common Agenda”, a vision for the future of global cooperation.

Linked to this, the Summit of the Future is happening in September, and I am positive that this conversation today and the many inputs submitted by more than 600 youth globally through this essay competition, will be valuable in shaping the conversation on Beyond GDP, a key theme for the upcoming Summit of the Future.

This is an issue which my team at the Lab and I, and clearly for many of you joining and listening to this meeting today, care a lot about. 

This is a great opportunity to shape our future into a more resilient one, by measuring what we truly value, leaving no debt to future generations.

I wish you a very fruitful conversation and I look forward to continuing this discussion in the lead up and post Summit of the Future.

Thank you.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.