تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Exhibition by André M'Bon

Sergei Ordzhonikidze

22 mars 2006
L'exposition par André M'Bon (en anglais seulement)

Statement by Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikidze
At the opening of an exhibition by André M’Bon

Palais des Nations, E-building, 2nd Floor
Wednesday, 22 March 2006 at 6:30 p.m.

Ladies and Gentlemen :

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Palais des Nations this evening on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition of paintings by André M’Bon. This evening’s event holds special significance since it is the first time that the Republic of the Congo has participated in our cultural activities programme and we appreciate this opportunity to experience a sample of Congo’s culture through the art of painting. Allow me to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to Ambassador Roger Julien Menga as well as the Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Congo for their contribution to the UNOG Cultural Activities Programme, which we hope will be the first of many more future collaborations. We also welcome the presence of the artist himself, Mr. André M’Bon, amongst us, whose selection of works we look forward to discovering this evening.

Ladies and Gentlemen :

The Republic of Congo’s support is a reflection of its dedication to the values and principles of the United Nations since such exchanges among cultures with different traditions and backgrounds are the foundation of dialogue that can promote greater tolerance, respect and understanding globally. These are invaluable attributes for engaging in a multilateral environment where the national endeavours of individual Members States have to be consolidated with the global objectives of Member States. Indeed, the Republic of the Congo appreciates the value of multilateral institutions, as well as the importance of seeking collective solutions to common problems globally. This engagement in harnessing greater collaboration among different countries, as well as their commitment to multilateralism has been confirmed in recent months through their contribution to the efforts of the African Union and the election of H.E. Mr. Denis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo, as Chairperson of the African Union in January of this year. The United Nations and the African Union – who is an important partner in our global efforts – have a broad common agenda.

Ladies and Gentlemen :

The different techniques, materials and multitude of colours that are used in this evening’s exhibition are a welcome reflection of our diversity and multilateral world. Indeed the delicate, and often difficult, task is to combine our different experiences, backgrounds, expertise and work collectively so that our efforts resemble the successful amalgamation that M’bon’s artworks represent.

I wish you an enjoyable evening.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.