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Library Talk and Book Launch:“The new Internal Justice System at the United Nations”

Michael Møller

18 septembre 2014
Library Talk and Book Launch:“The new Internal Justice System at the United Nations”

Introductory Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Library Talk and Book Launch:
“The new Internal Justice System at the United Nations”

Palais des Nations, Library Events Room
Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 4 p.m.

Distinguished panellists
Dear Colleagues
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this library talk and to launch the “Handbook on the Internal Justice System at the United Nations”. Thank you to our Library for once again organizing an interesting discussion. Many thanks go to the panellists for taking the time to be with us today, and for sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm on this important subject.

Among the panellists are some of the authors of the handbook, who have compiled a short history, comprehensive description and analysis of the system in an accessible manner. They have done so in a way that is interesting and resourceful not only to the staff of the United Nations system, but also law practitioners, academics, researchers and other interested parties outside these walls.

In a world in transformation, the demands on the United Nations continue to grow. In this context, the need for a more effective and efficient United Nations System is greater than ever. The new justice system responds to this need by strengthening the culture of accountability within the Organization, for a United Nations at the highest level of ethics.

I believe that nurturing a culture of dialogue and fairness is essential. The new internal justice system is considered to be one of the most important developments at the United Nations since its inception. It will provide a professionalized internal administration of justice that is both expeditious and aligned with international standards. Great efforts have been made to establish an independent, transparent, adequately resourced and decentralized system that meets the expectations of staff.

We know from experience the central role of the rule of law in ensuring peace, rights and well-being for all. Justice denied and justice delayed are often at the heart of conflict – at all levels – and has the potential to undermine the fabric of societies as well as organizations. We need to ensure that we always uphold justice and fairness in our own Organization.

This requires unbending integrity and commitment. The new system offers protection whenever staff members are victimized, and functions in accordance with United Nations’ values of promoting individual rights and empowerment.

I would like to thank our authors again for this useful handbook and you will hear from both the legal experts who are immersed in the system on a daily basis, as well as management and staff about the achievements so far and the challenges ahead.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.