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“Italy’s Civil Society & Institutions: A Partnership for Human Rights”

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

7 mars 2013
“Italy’s Civil Society & Institutions: A Partnership for Human Rights” (en anglais)

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“Italy’s Civil Society & Institutions: A Partnership for Human Rights”

Palais des Nations, Salle des Pas Perdus
Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 12 p.m.

Ambassador Mirachian
Ladies and gentlemen:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the opening of this exhibition, organized by the Permanent Mission of Italy, together with a number of Italian non-governmental organizations. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Ambassador Mirachian for making this event possible.

It is clear that the world needs to forge a common agenda for sustainable development, peace, prosperity, freedom and justice. And it is just as clear that neither the United Nations nor governments can do this alone. We need alliances and multistakeholder platforms.

By working together – with civil society, the private sector, academia - we can leverage our efforts and resources. Together, in close coordination and cooperation, we can achieve outsized results on virtually every aspect of our shared agenda.

This exhibition illustrates the critical role that civil society plays in this partnership model. In Italy, NGOs are instrumental in the protection and promotion of human rights, through a number of various initiatives. As for Geneva, human rights, disarmament, the environment, public health, refugees, peacebuilding and conflict prevention – these are all main areas of the UN’s work here. Especially with regard to human rights, a strong engagement of civil society with the UN human rights programme is fundamental to the promotion, protection and advancement of human rights in all regions of the world.

Over the past years, the UN in Geneva has made many efforts to strengthen its relationship with civil society and to engage NGOs in the work here at the Palais des Nations. Of the over 10,000 meetings that take place annually at UNOG, a significant number are open to NGOs. We hold briefings specifically for NGOs on topics of interest related to our common priorities. And our NGO Liaison Unit engages in dialogue on a daily basis with representatives from the approximately 450 NGOs based in Geneva or neighbouring France.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

These photographs and paintings demonstrate how through partnership with civil society our shared goals may be advanced, especially in the area of human rights. Italy should be proud of this work undertaken in their country and I am proud to showcase it here for the international community in Geneva.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.