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Tag: Ground pass

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  • No accreditation will be granted without the letter from the media organization, the press card and passport (or national ID for Swiss citizen) of the applicant.

  • If your media ground pass is lost or stolen, you must immediately report it to the Security Identification Unit at the Pregny Gate, Building F, 8 - 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, tel. +41 (0)22 917 50 02. You will be required to complete a form in order to obtain a new badge.


  • Media accreditation is only given for coverage of United Nations activities at UNOG and does not constitute an endorsement for any other purpose. At any time, the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit may revoke accreditation if it is put to improper use; if it is determined that the accreditation has not been used to cover United Nations events; if it has been used to abuse the privileges so extended; or if personal or public conduct is not consistent with the best interests of the Organization. The press pass must not be loaned to another person; UN Security will confiscate any pass in the possession of any individual to whom it was not issued.

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  • A letter of assignment on the letterhead of a bona fide media organization, signed and dated by the Editor-in-Chief or an authorized person, stating the name and function of the applicant. The letter should specify what story/event the applicant will cover and the desired time period for the press pass. Copies of the applicant's press card and passport (or national ID for Swiss citizens) must also be supplied. Additional criteria are required for online media.

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  • The letter of assignment must be on a letterhead and be addressed to the Director of the Information Service. It must be signed by an authorized official (e.g., the Publisher, Assignment Editor or Bureau Chief), of the media organization seeking accreditation. Letters of assignment must specify the type of coverage, event or project assigned; the period of time for which accreditation is required; and the name and professional function(s) of the individual(s) to be assigned.

  • Once your request for accreditation is accepted, your badge may be picked up from the Security Identification Unit at the Pregny Gate, Building F, 8 - 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10.

    Related information
  • Press accreditation is given for the duration of the event covered by the correspondent for a maximum of three months.

  • Before accreditation is renewed, the Information Service requires work samples that demonstrate active engagement in covering the activities of the United Nations. Samples must be unaltered press clippings or media products of the accredited organization with bylines of the individual requesting renewal.

  • A press card is a document issued by a government authority or a media organization stating that the owner is a journalist.

  • Please refer to the annual accreditation procedure available here.

    Every year, an NGO can designate up to seven representatives to obtain UNOG annual grounds passes (valid until 31 December).

    An NGO can have:

    1. One (1) designation as “President/ Chief Executive Officer” (Head of the NGO);
    2. One (1) designation as “Chief Administrative Officer” (Second Head of the NGO who can act on behalf of the President/CEO);
    3. One (1) designation as “Main representative” (who can act on behalf of the President/CEO and CAO, with limited or without accrediting rights);
    4. Maximum four (4) designations with the representative type as “Additional representative”. NGOs need to attribute these designations to their representatives who might have different functional titles within the NGO (e.g. an NGO’s Executive Director could be designated as “Chief Administrative Officer”, or an NGO’s Project Officer could be designated as “Additional representative”).

    When communicating with the NGO Liaison Unit, NGO representatives are invited to refer themselves to the four representative types recognized by the UN mentioned above and as designated in the iCSO database.

    It is compulsory to designate the President/CEO or the Chief Administrative Officer at the beginning of each year. There can only be one President and one Chief Administrative Officer for all three duty stations (New York, Geneva and Vienna). Main and additional representatives may vary from one duty station to another.

    In line with the procedure at the UN Headquarters in New York, at UNOG, NGOs may also request up to a total of 9 temporary Grounds passes at UNOG in any given year. The temporary Grounds passes are for a maximum of 3 months at a time.

  • With a valid UNOG grounds pass, you are entitled to participate in any public UN Conference at the Palais des Nations. However, we recommend that you check for any additional registration requirements with the secretariat organizing the meeting you are interested in. We also advise you to consult Indico, the UN registration platform for meetings in Geneva, where you will find detailed information about the event you are interested in. 

  • Once your UNOG annual or temporary designation has been approved in the iCSO database by the NGO Liaison Unit, you may pick up your grounds pass at the Pregny Pavilion of the United Nations Office at Geneva (Palais des Nations, 14 Avenue de la Paix), upon presentation of a valid passport (UN Member or Observer State), Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 4:45 pm. ID cards from the Schengen Zone are also accepted. 

    There is no deadline to collect your grounds pass for the ongoing year.

    NB: While it is required to print the security form to withdraw your grounds pass at UN Headquarters in New York, this requirement does not apply to UN Geneva.

    Related information
    1. The President/CEO or Chief Administrative Officer of an NGO should send a signed letter to the NGO Liaison Unit with the request for cancelation.
    2. If the grounds pass has already been withdrawn from the UNOG Security Identification Desk, it needs to be returned either in person at Pregny Pavilion (Palais des Nations, 14 Avenue de la Paix) or by mail (NGO Liaison Unit, H Building. 4th floor, Palais des Nations, 14 Avenue de la Paix 1211, Geneva, Switzerland).
    1. Immediately inform the Security at the Palais des Nations – call +41 (0) 22 917 2900;
    2. Go to the Pregny gate with a valid picture ID, and you will receive a new UN grounds pass. (Address: Avenue de la Paix, from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm).
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