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Meeting Summaries
Delegations Express Condolences to the United Kingdom over the Terrorist Attack, Condemn Missile Launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

The Conference on Disarmament this morning held the last public plenary under the Presidency of Senegal, in which numerous delegations expressed condolences to the United Kingdom over the terrorist attack in Manchester on 22 May, and condemned the 21 May ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Coly Seck, Permanent Representative of Senegal and outgoing President of the Conference, wished the best of luck to Mary Soliman, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference, who was leaving Geneva to undertake a new role in the Office of Disarmament Affairs.

Htin Lynn, Permanent Representative of Myanmar and Chair of the Working Group on the Way Forward, stated that more time was required to conduct further consultations, not only on the draft proposal, but also on other possibilities.

Malta, speaking on behalf of the European Union, strongly condemned the latest ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 21 May. Belgium condemned the ballistic missile launch, which was in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions. Canada condemned the ballistic missile test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and called on it to engage in meaningful political negotiations. The Republic of Korea said that provocative acts by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would not be tolerated. Slovakia categorially rejected repeated provocative acts by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which were unacceptable for the international community. Argentina called for the six-party talks to be resumed, and all parties were called on to show constraint.

The United States stressed that the Pyongyang regime had once again disregarded the world community, which was united against its provocations and hostile actions. Turkey noted that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s second ballistic missile launch in a week was concerning. Australia said that all countries should redouble their efforts to apply the United Nations Security Council sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The Netherlands believed the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should re-engage in a meaningful dialogue with the international community. Peru vigorously condemned the latest ballistic missile launch, which was a flagrant provocation of the international community. Mexico said that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was jeopardizing international peace and security.

Bulgaria condemned the behavior by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which posed a direct threat to international peace and security. Poland condemned the ballistic missile test carried out on 21 May, another violation of the Security Council’s resolutions.
Chile reiterated its calls to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to regularize its situation with regard to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. New Zealand condemned the eighth ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea this year.
Ukraine stated that more decisive action was needed concerning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and all levers of influence ought to be utilized. Israel added its voice to other delegations in condemning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch.
Italy said the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s ballistic missile programme represented a threat to international peace and security and urged it to abandon that programme, and to return to the Non-Proliferation Treaty safeguards.

Japan urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to immediately and fully implement relevant Security Council’s resolutions and other commitments. The United Kingdom believed that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should engage with, rather than stand aside from, the international community. China called once again upon all parties on the Korean Peninsula to refrain from provocative acts, so that dialogue could be restarted. Austria called upon the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to express respect for, and compliance with, international law. Switzerland firmly condemned any missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which violated several Security Council’s resolutions. Sweden said that, in order to lower tensions in the Korean Peninsula, negotiations were the only path forward. Spain condemned the new missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was a threat to international peace and security.

France strongly rejected repeated violations of international law by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which undermined the stability of northeast Asia. Finland stressed that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should take the messages of the international community seriously. Germany supported the European Union’s statement on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was a sign of unity and resolution. Ireland joined the chorus of outraged condemnation of yet another missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which had come so soon after the previous one.
Hungary stressed the need for ever-more international cooperation to stop the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected unacceptable accusations which tried to portray it as a threat to peace, and stressed that the right to self-defence was an important factor of sovereignty.

The Conference will next meet in public on Tuesday, 30 May at 10 a.m. under the presidency of Ambassador Fedor Rosocha, Permanent Representative of Slovakia.


Malta, speaking on behalf of the European Union, strongly condemned the latest ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 21 May. It reiterated its grave concern over the country’s illegal activities. Once again the European Union urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to stop all nuclear tests and halt all launches using ballistic missile technology. Its nuclear and missile programme represented a critical and increasing threat to international peace and security and undermined the global non-proliferation regime; a strong and timely reaction was needed. The European Union called on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to engage in a credible and meaningful dialogue with the international community.

Belgium condemned the ballistic missile launch of 21 May by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions. Such actions were illegal under international law and such behaviour was destabilizing regionally and internationally. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had to abstain from any such tests in the future.

Canada condemned the ballistic missile test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and called on it to engage in meaningful political negotiations.

Republic of Korea expressed deepest condolences to the families of victims of the Manchester attack and support to the Government and the people of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Korea condemned in the strongest terms the latest missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The Republic of Korea had clearly demonstrated its will to find a solution to the issue on the peninsula, and was open to dialogue. At the same time, provocative acts by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would not be tolerated.

Slovakia conveyed condolences to the delegation of the United Kingdom. Slovakia categorially rejected repeated provocative acts by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which the international community found unacceptable, as it ignored its calls to de-escalate tensions on the peninsula. Slovakia urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to refrain from provocations.

Argentina conveyed its support to the British people and Government. Argentina expressed its vehement condemnation of the latest missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and reiterated its call for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Argentina called for the six-party talks to be resumed, and all parties were called on to show constraint. Measures had to be taken to ensure peace and stability in the region.

United States expressed condolences to the United Kingdom, adding that the people of the United States stood with those of the United Kingdom. The Pyongyang regime had once again disregarded the world community, which was united against its provocations and hostile actions. Such behaviour was dangerous and reckless. Pyongyang should know it would never be recognized as a nuclear-weapon State. The United States’ commitment to the defence of its allies was iron-clad.

Turkey condemned the heinous terrorist act in Manchester. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s second ballistic missile launch in a week was concerning, and it endangered security in the region. The country should cease such provocative behaviour.

Australia expressed condolences over the terrorist attack in Manchester, and condemned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s ongoing development of nuclear weapons. The country’s behaviour was unacceptable, and all countries should redouble their efforts to apply the United Nations Security Council sanctions.

Netherlands strongly condemned the missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was a blatant violation of United Nations resolutions, and a grave threat to peace and security in the region. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should re-engage in a meaningful dialogue with the international community.

Peru expressed sadness over the events in Manchester on 22 May. Peru vigorously condemned the latest ballistic missile launch, which was a flagrant provocation of the international community. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should respect the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Mexico expressed sincere condolences to the people of the United Kingdom. It condemned the latest missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Such actions ought to be stopped. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was jeopardizing international peace and security, and was once again called upon to comply with Security Council resolutions.

Bulgaria joined others in expressing condolences to the United Kingdom. Regarding the missile launch, Bulgaria condemned the behaviour by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which posed a direct threat to international peace and security. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should immediately suspend its ballistic missile programme.

Poland condemned the ballistic missile test carried out on 21 May, which was another violation of the Security Council’s resolutions. The “North Korean” authorities were once again urged to rejoin the dialogue.

Chile expressed its consternation over the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s second missile launch in the span of a week, which was causing tensions in the Asian region. Those acts were flagrant violations of relevant Security Council’s resolutions. Chile reiterated its calls to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to regularize its situation with regard to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and to place all of its authorities under the inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

New Zealand expressed condolences over the loss of life in Manchester. It condemned the latest ballistic missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It was the eighth test conducted by “North Korea” this year. The extent of sanctions would be contingent on “North Korea’s” actions.

Ukraine expressed condolences over the Manchester attack, and condemned the latest ballistic missile attack. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea continued with its provocative actions; Pyongyang caused suffering to its own people and continued to destabilize the region. More decisive action was needed, and all levers of influence ought to be utilized.

Israel added its voice to other delegations in condemning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch, in violation of Security Council’s resolutions.

Italy condemned in the strongest terms the latest test conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The country’s ballistic missile programme represented a threat to international peace and security. The Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea was called upon to abandon that programme, and to return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty safeguards.

Japan expressed condolences to the United Kingdom. The latest launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was unacceptable and undermined the efforts by the international community towards a peaceful solution. Japan urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to immediately and fully implement relevant Security Council’s resolutions and other commitments.

United Kingdom thanked all those States that had expressed condolences over the suspected terrorist attack in Manchester, which had targeted children. The perpetrators had to be brought to justice. States would be held accountable for their actions which threatened the fabric of the international community. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should engage with, rather than stand aside from, the international community.

China vigorously condemned the terrorist attack which had taken place in Manchester. The people of China were in solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom. The resolutions of the Security Council were very clear vis-à-vis missile launches by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. China called once again upon all parties on the Korean Peninsula to refrain from provocative acts, so that a dialogue could be restarted. The peninsula should remain non-nuclearized, and the existing problems should be resolved in a peaceful manner.

Austria expressed condolences to the United Kingdom over the terrorist attack. Another flagrant violation by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had taken place, which was condemned by Austria. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was called upon to express respect for, and compliance with, international law. The quest for security through nuclear weapons only led to an increased risk for all.

Switzerland expressed condolences to the people and the Government of the United Kingdom. Switzerland firmly condemned any missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which violated several Security Council’s resolutions and represented a threat to peace and security in the region. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was called upon to abandon its nuclear missile programme. Switzerland was committed to the six-party talks.

Sweden conveyed its condolences to the victims of yet another senseless terrorist attack in the United Kingdom. In order to lower tensions on the Korean Peninsula, negotiations were the only path forward, which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was encouraged to take.

Spain expressed its solidarity with the United Kingdom; terrorism was a threat which had to be stamped out through international cooperation. Spain condemned the new missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which was a threat to international peace and security. The country should abandon its nuclear weapons in a definite and irreversible manner.

France expressed sincere condolences to victims’ families and those injured in the Manchester attack. France was committed to fighting terrorism. France strongly rejected repeated violations of international law by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which undermined the stability of northeast Asia. “North Korea” was called upon to abandon its nuclear and missile programme.

Finland said that the hearts of the Finnish people went towards the people of the United Kingdom today. Finland condemned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s missile launch, which was another addition to serious violations of international commitments. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should take the messages of the international community seriously.

Germany expressed condolences to the British people. Germany supported the European Union’s statement, which was a sign of unity and resolution.

Ireland expressed sincere condolences to the United Kingdom over the heinous attack in Manchester. Ireland joined the chorus of outraged condemnation of yet another missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which had come so soon after the previous one. It was a flagrant violation of international law. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was called upon to cease such tests and to re-engage with the international community within the six-party talks.

Hungary stressed the need for ever-more international cooperation to stop the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected unacceptable accusations which tried to portray it as a threat to peace. The right to self-defence was an important factor of sovereignty. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was taking self-protective measures against escalating threats from the United States. These were not against international law. It was the United States’ actions which worsened the situation on the Korean Peninsula. The Security Council turned a blind eye to missile tests carried out by other States; the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected statements by the Council. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was a nuclear power, whether someone accepted it or not, and was ready to conduct more tests.

Republic of Korea said that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s absurd remarks were an attempt to justify its provocations. It was trying to portray itself as a victim, which did not change the facts. Claiming victim status, no matter how many times repeated, could not change the facts.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea advised “South Korea” to abandon the policy of alienating its compatriot by aligning with outside forces. The United States’ hostile policies were trying to stifle the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The United States’ blackmail would not work in the case of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

United States said that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea continued to justify its threats and provocations by the United States’ actions. The biggest threat to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was its regime itself. Accusations that Security Council’s resolutions were not international law were ridiculous.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea stated that the days were gone when the United States could rely on sanctions to change another country’s behaviour. Instead, it should abandon its hostile policies.

HTIN LYNN, Permanent Representative of Myanmar and Chair of the Working Group on the Way Forward, expressed condolences to the United Kingdom over the terrorist attack. The draft proposal on the establishment of sub-working groups on the way forward had two purposes: to register the outcome and the state of affairs of 61 consultations undertaken by Myanmar, and to serve as a litmus test on the possibility of finding a common ground on the way forward. More time was required to conduct further consultations, not only on the draft proposal, but also on other possibilities. Thus, the draft proposal would not be put forward for discussion today, unless there was a clear sense of consensus. As he continued with the consultations, Ambassador Lynn believed that the Conference should maximize t Natalija Erjaveche time available. Another consultation meeting would take place on 1 June, which would be broad in nature and include all agenda items of the Conference.

COLY SECK, Permanent Representative of Senegal and President of the Conference, thanked the Ambassador of Myanmar for his efforts to find a way forward. He then thanked and wished the best of luck to Mary Soliman, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference, who was leaving Geneva to undertake a new role in the Office of Disarmament Affairs.

India expressed its appreciation for both the work of the Senegalese Presidency and of the Chair of the Working Group on Way Forward. India wished Ms. Soliman all the best in her next assignment.

United States, Republic of Korea, and Canada joined in expressing gratitude to Ms. Soliman.

For use of the information media; not an official record
