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The Human Rights Council will resume its suspended second session on Monday, 27 November to take action on deferred draft proposals, after which it will immediately begin its scheduled third session.
From 22 September to 6 October, the Council heard reports from most of its thematic and country specific special procedures during its second session. It also discussed the progress reports of the intersessional open-ended intergovernmental Working Group which it established to develop the modalities of the Universal Periodic Review mechanism; and the progress report of the Working Group on the implementation of operative paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 60/251 to review, and where necessary improve and rationalize, all mandates of its Special Procedures, expert advice, and a complaint procedure inherited from the former Commission on Human Rights, and this within one year.
As soon as the Council takes action on the deferred draft proposals, it will begin its scheduled third session. No consideration of reports of special procedures had been scheduled to take place during the third session of the Council. However, as the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, Juan E. Mendez, could not be present at the second session of the Council, the presentation of the report on the implementation of the Five Point Action Plan to prevent genocide and on the activities of the Special Adviser (E/CN.4/2006/84), followed by an interactive dialogue with him, will take place during the third session.
The facilitator appointed by the President of the Council will report to the Council on the progress made by the Working Group on the universal periodic review, which met during the period from 13 to 24 November 2006.
Also during the third session, the three facilitators appointed by the President of the Council on the review of mandates, on expert advice, and on complaints procedure will report on the progress made in their respective areas of responsibility by the Working Group that met during the period from 13 to 24 November 2006.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour will update the Council at its third session on her activities and will hold an interactive dialogue with the Council. The Council will also have before it the report of the Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon (A/HRC/3/2) and will hold an interactive dialogue with the three Commissioners.
Composition of the Human Rights Council
The composition of the Council for 2006 is the following. The term of membership of each State expires in the year indicated in brackets: Algeria (2007); Argentina (2007); Azerbaijan (2009); Bahrain (2007); Bangladesh (2009); Brazil (2008); Cameroon (2009); Canada (2009); China (2009); Cuba (2009); Czech Republic (2007); Djibouti (2009); Ecuador (2007); Finland (2007); France (2008); Gabon (2008); Germany (2009); Ghana (2008); Guatemala (2008); India (2007); Indonesia (2007); Japan (2008); Jordan (2009); Malaysia (2009); Mali (2008); Mauritius (2009); Mexico (2009); Morocco (2007); Netherlands (2007); Nigeria (2009); Pakistan (2008); Peru (2008); Philippines (2007); Poland (2007); Republic of Korea (2008); Romania (2008); Russian Federation (2009); Saudi Arabia (2009); Senegal (2009); South Africa (2007); Sri Lanka (2008); Switzerland (2009); Tunisia (2007); Ukraine (2008); United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2008); Uruguay (2009); Zambia (2008).
For use of the information media; not an official record