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Joint Inspection Unit Releases Report on the Review of the Management of Implementing Partners in United Nations System Organizations
The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system (JIU) is pleased to share the Review Highlights and Full Report for the Review of the management of implementing partners in United Nations system organizations , prepared by Inspector Gopinathan Achamkulangare.
The follow-up review of the management of implementing partners by organizations of the United Nations system assesses the progress achieved since the previous review (JIU/REP/2013/4). Given the current circumstances, the review takes account of the impact of COVID-19 as it relates directly to the engagement and management of implementing partners. It also draws up an illustrative list of good practices from United Nations entities.
The review found that, in order to improve implementing partner management, most United Nations organizations need to: ensure coherence in implementation of policies and procedures; implement a strategic and risk-based approach to implementing partner management; and further strengthen managerial oversight and risk-based monitoring of partner performance in line with results-based methodology. The report suggests measures for strengthening governance, accountability and oversight related to implementing partner management. It identifies specific areas to strengthen due diligence checks of implementing partners and to address challenges concerning their selection and management. The report underscores the importance of promoting organizational learning and knowledge-sharing from the evaluations of implementing partner performance and management. It also explores ways of strengthening inter-agency cooperation and coordination in the management of implementing partners.
The report observes that considerable progress has been made in strengthening and enhancing inter-agency coordination related to implementing partners, notably in the Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) and the United Nations Partner Portal (UNPP), which demonstrate impressive results of such efforts. However, more can be done to foster cooperation and information-sharing in regard to implementing partner management at the headquarters, regional and country levels.
To address the various challenges and shortcomings identified, especially in the areas of selection, due diligence, risk management, capacity-building, performance monitoring, oversight, and enhancing inter-agency coordination, the report makes 10 formal recommendations, 2 for action by the legislative organs and governing bodies, and 8 by the executive heads, of the United Nations system organizations. These are complemented by 17 informal recommendations, outlining suggestions to the executive heads for effecting further improvements.
The review’s findings will be presented to the General Assembly at its 77th session, following the receipt of consolidated comments on the report from participating organizations, as prepared by the secretariat of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB).
To read the Review Highlights, click here
To read the full report, click here
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