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Press Release from the Office of the United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions

Communiqué de presse
55th meeting of the Gali Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism

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55th meeting of the Gali Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism

On 25 April 2018, the 55th meeting of the joint Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) chaired by the United Nations was held in Gali town with the participation of Georgian, Russian, Abkhaz and EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission) representatives.

The overall security situation on the ground, since the previous IPRM meeting, which took place on 21 March 2018, was assessed as calm and stable without major incidents reported. The Chair commended this achievement, attributing it to the joint efforts of all participants. In relation to this assessment, the importance and exemplary use of the hotline was emphasized. Participants were once again encouraged to continue using this effective tool for prevention of and response to incidents, for addressing the humanitarian issues, and for the information-exchange purposes on other matters as well as.

According to the agenda, participants followed up on the matters discussed at previous meetings. They also discussed in detail new agenda points, in particular several detentions for the alleged crossing at undesignated locations, in the recent period. Information was shared on the investigations into two cases of previously committed serious crimes. The issue of the 6 April 2018 flight of two helicopters in close vicinity of the line of control was discussed in detail. In this context, the attention of the participants was drawn to the voluntary provision of advance notice on sensitive activities in order to avoid suspicion and misperceptions.

The 55th IPRM meeting took place in a constructive and business-like atmosphere.

It was agreed to hold the next meeting on 18 May 2018.

25 April 2018