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A wheelchair on the left in the foreground, and a woman, our of focus, with a stick sitting on a sofa in the background, looking down.

The United Nations’ compensation framework is designed to provide financial and medical support to staff members — or their dependents — who suffer from death, injury, or illness directly attributed to their official duties. This system ensures that individuals and families are cared for when unforeseen incidents occur in the line of duty, maintaining both their well-being and their financial stability.


Compensation Claims Unit

The Compensation Claims Unit at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) is responsible for addressing compensation claims falling under Appendix D to the Staff Rules for the organizations listed below. 

A delegation of authority has been granted by the Secretary-General in order to treat claims up to a certain amount, which are not deemed as complex, or which are expressly delegated from the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims (ABCC) in New York. If a claim surpasses the Compensation Claims Unit’s delegated authority, it is submitted to the ABCC for the Secretary-General’s consideration. In such cases, the Compensation Claims Unit remains the point of contact for the staff members.

Staff members of UNOG, ITC, IIIM, IIMP, INF, JIU, UNHCR, OSE Syria, OIOS, OHCHR, UNDT, UNECA, UNECE, OCHA (administered in Geneva), UNCTAD, MEC, UNFCCC, UNFPA, UNEP (administered in Geneva), UNICEF (administered in Geneva), UNIDIR, UNISDR, UNCC, UNCCD, ITU, UNODA, UNITAR, UNJSPF, UNRGID, UNWOMEN, and UNSSC wishing to file a claim must do so with the Compensation Claims Unit in Geneva, through their human resource officer. Staff members of other organizations should check with their human resources department which will advise where to file their claim.


The compensation and remedies provided under Appendix D of the Staff Rules are the only recourse for service-related death, injury, or illness. They cover reimbursement of medical expenses, lump-sum payments for disability, permanent disfigurement or loss of function and compensation for surviving dependents in case of death.

The United Nations does not provide compensation or benefits outside these rules. Compensation and rights cannot be transferred to third parties unless specifically stated.

Staff members wishing to file a claim for compensation under Appendix D to the Staff Rules must notify the Compensation Claims Unit as soon as possible after the incident by email. The claim must be filed within one year of the onset of the illness, injury, or death.

Staff members of the United Nations System are eligible to apply for compensation claims. Interns and contractors under special agreements are not covered under Appendix D unless expressly stated in the terms of their contract.

To qualify for compensation, the death, injury, or illness must be determined as service-related under the rules.

  • The Advisory Board on Compensation Claims reviews and recommends claims to the Secretary-General. Minor claims are assessed and decided by an authorized official on behalf of the Secretary-General.
  • Decisions are based on the claimant’s documents, recommendations from the Medical Services Division, advice from Board members, and other relevant evidence.

A death, injury, or illness is considered service-incurred if it directly results from performing official duties for the United Nations.

Incidents on UN premises

An incident on UN premises may be service-related unless the staff member was engaged in non-work-related activities at the time.

Incidents off UN premises

An incident off UN premises may be service-incurred if it occurred as a direct result of official duties under these circumstances:

  1. During official travel as authorized
  2. During commuting directly to or from the office
  3. In transit by a direct route or at a location required for official duties

Travel-related incidents

Certain types of travel incidents are service-incurred only if they happen during travel between the departure and destination locations as outlined in travel authorization. These include:

  • Home leave
  • Rest and recuperation
  • Family visits
  • Education grant travel (in lieu of child’s travel)
  • Medical evacuation (unrelated to a previous service-incurred issue or requested by the staff member)

Special hazards

If assigned to or traveling through areas with documented special hazards, an incident may be service-incurred if it directly results from these hazards as verified by UN security and safety officials.

Claims are not eligible for compensation if explicitly excluded by the Secretary-General or if the death, injury, or illness results from the following:

Misconduct or recklessness

Actions like intentional harm to oneself or others.

Ignoring security instructions

Failure to follow provided or accessible security guidelines.

Failure to use safety measures

Not using safety devices or medical precautions provided by the UN, unless the issue would have occurred regardless.


Engaging in physical violence, unless required for official duties or the situation.

Unrelated medical conditions

Issues stemming from pre-existing conditions or factors unrelated to official duties.

How to file a claim

Someone ticking an imaginary a check box with one hand while typing on a laptop with the other

Steps to file a claim

  • Complete the compensation claims e-form
    • A copy of the form will be sent to you by PDF. Please ensure your email address is accurate.
  • Obtain certification from your HR officer
  • Add your supervisor's statement duly completed
  • Let your treating physician complete the last page
  • Submit the pdf to the Compensation Claims Unit
A stack of files next to some reading glasses and a pen.

Documentation required

  • Claim form (completed and signed)
  • Medical reports and psychiatric evaluations (if applicable)
  • Medical expenses along with proof of payment
  • Additional supporting documents, such as police reports or travel authorizations
A sand glass in the foreground running empty while hands in the background, out of focus, write something on a paper.

Important deadlines

  • Claims must be filed within one year of the incident. If a claim is submitted after the one year deadline, the claim will be rejected
  • Only in cases of demonstrated medical incapacity will a waiver of the deadline be considered
  • If the claim form is not duly completed, the claim will be returned for completion

Reimbursement policies

Medical expenses

  • Reimbursements limited to usual and customary charges in Switzerland
  • Covers additional private expenses (for instance extra therapy sessions) not covered under the UNSMIS framework

Special sick leave credit

  • Under certain circumstances: recredit of sick leave days

Permanent loss of function

  • Reimbursement for degree of impairment in patients who have suffered an injury or illness resulting in long-term loss of a body part or reduction of body function

Non-compensable items

  • Legal fees
  • Transportation
  • Pain and suffering

Special cases

Harassment or abuse of authority

  • Claims require official findings by the organization

Burnout claims

  • Must meet both medical (psychiatrist's report) and administrative criteria (evidence of excessive workload and inadequate organizational response)

Death claims

  • Require documents such as death certificates, autopsy reports, marriage, and birth certificates for dependents
A man sunken down on his desk, in front of his laptop, the head hidden under the arms.

Claims process

The UNOG Compensation Claims Unit has the authority to consider de minimis claims. The process for handling claims is as follows:

  • Initial review: claims are first reviewed by the Compensation Claims Unit. If additional documentation or clarifications are required, the Unit will contact the claimant and/or their Administrative or Executive Office.
  • Medical assessment: the Medical Services team will evaluate the claim and provide guidance to the Compensation Claims Unit regarding the injury, illness, or death. They will also review medical expenses to ensure they are directly related to the claimed injury/illness and are reasonable for the treatments or services provided.
  • Approval process: recommendations from the Compensation Claims Unit must be approved by the Director of Administration, who has been delegated the authority to decide on compensation claims on behalf of the Secretary-General.

For claims exceeding the delegation authority of the Director of Administration or deemed complex, the process is as follows:

  • Complex claims review: complex claims are transferred to the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims (ABCC) office in New York for consideration. These claims are evaluated by the Board, which comprises six members (three representing staff and three representing management).
  • Permanent loss assessment: in assessing the degree of permanent loss of function, Medical Services will rely on the American Medical Association Guidelines for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.
  • Final decision: once the ABCC’s recommendation is approved by the Controller, a signed decision by the Secretary-General will be sent to the claimant and/or their Administrative or Executive Office for further action.

Processing time

Review and appeal of administrative decisions

If a claimant disagrees with a decision on their claim (excluding medical determinations), they can submit a written request for management evaluation to the Secretary-General, following staff rule 11.2.

Management Evaluation Unit

Claimants may request the Management Evaluation Unit (MEU) to review decisions of the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims (ABCC). 

  • General number: +1 (212) 963-6419 (no voice mail)
  • Email:

Medical board

  • Solely for medical determinations by Medical Service Division (MSD), claimants may request review by a medical board pursuant to relevant Organizational rules. Such a board will entail payment of costs by a claimant if the claimant does not prevail; and the claimant will be required to so agree in writing before the convening of a medical board.
  • For additional information on how to convene a medical board: refer to ST/AI/2019/1 

United Nations Dispute Tribunal

Other coverage

The Appendix D to the Staff Rules covers staff members in case of death, illness or injury and is limited to the person. Claims for loss of or damage to personal effects, in accordance with the provisions of ST/AI/149/Rev.4, should be submitted directly to the Secretary of the local claims committee at the following email address:

Cases involving injury, illness or death may also be covered under the Malicious Acts Insurance Policy (MAIP), which is a commercial insurance policy and provides compensation for injury, illness or death caused directly or indirectly by war or a malicious act. MAIP coverage for death or permanent disability is in addition to any compensation that may be payable under Appendix D, and claims under MAIP must be submitted separately. 

For more information: 

Cases of injury or illness which have resulted in total disability (whether or not service-incurred) must be submitted separately to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF). If the same injury or illness appears to be service-incurred, then a claim under Appendix D may also be submitted. Compensation under Appendix D is a supplement to benefits awarded by the UNJSPF.

Contact us


Compensation Claims Unit


Phone: +41 (0)22 917 1516 

Working hours: 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Workspace H-550-1 (H-Building, Palais des Nations)