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The Human Rights Council this morning adopted a resolution on the effective implementation of international instruments on human rights and deferred to a future session two draft texts on impunity and freedom of opinion and expression.
In the resolution on effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, which was adopted without a vote, the Council encouraged the High Commissioner for Human Rights to undertake a study on various options, for reforming the treaty body system, and to seek the views of States and other stakeholders in this regard and to report thereon to the Human Rights Council.
The Council also decided to postpone consideration of two draft texts on impunity and freedom of opinion and expression to a future session.
Participating in the discussion on the draft resolution on the effective implementation of international instruments on human rights were the representatives of Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Bahrain, Algeria on behalf of the African Group, and Indonesia.
The next meeting of the Council will be at 3 p.m. this afternoon, when it will consider a draft text on Darfur before concluding its resumed second session.
Action on Resolution
Resolution on Effective Implementation of International Instruments on Human Rights
In a resolution (A/HRC/2/L.40/Rev.1) on effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, adopted without a vote, as orally amended, the Council encourages the High Commissioner to undertake a study on various options, for reforming the treaty body system, and to seek the views of States and other stakeholders in this regard and to report thereon to the Human Rights Council.
PAUL MEYER (Canada), introducing the draft resolution on effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, said the resolution supported the efforts of the High Commissioner and the United Nations treaty bodies to improve the effectiveness of the treaty body system. It was hoped the study would help to move forwards on this issue, and that the Council could adopt the resolution by consensus.
TEHMINA JANJUA (Pakistan), in a general comment, thanked Canada for having given them the chance to discuss the draft resolution further, and also thanked the co-sponsors of the draft resolution as they were able to take on board the suggestions of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
ABDULLA ABDULLATIF ABDULLA (Bahrain), in a general comment, said Bahrain would also like to express its appreciation to the Canadian delegation for showing flexibility in the process of the tabling of the draft resolution.
IDRISS JAZAIRY (Algeria), speaking on behalf of the African Group in a general comment, expressed appreciation for the delegation of Canada’s efforts to have a constructive dialogue. The African Group therefore supported the resolution.
SUNU MAHADI SOEMARNO (Indonesia), speaking in an explanation of the vote after the vote, said that Indonesia had reiterated on several opportunities its position that this matter should be taken within the intergovernmental process. They had had several meetings and discussions with Canada and appreciated the disposition of Canada in having incorporated suggestions presented by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to the text. Indonesia was thus satisfied to join the consensus reached on this resolution.
For use of the information media; not an official record