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Invitation: Join the fight against sexism with the "I Say No to Sexism" campaign

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This Friday, all are welcome to join the relaunch of the International Gender Champions "I Say No To Sexism" Campaign

The campaign supports the implementation of the International Gender Champions (IGC) new network-wide Gender-based Violence Pledge, a core mandatory commitment to stand for zero tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence, sexist attitudes and behaviour. Champions commit to upholding IGC’s values of creating and maintaining safe workplaces; treating every person with respect and fairness; and accelerating collective action towards the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence within the Champion’s spheres of influence.

When and where? 30th September, from 2 to 3pm in Room XXV, Floor 1, Building E of the Palais des Nations.

The event is open to all staff and the public; external participants who do not hold an access badge can register here. (Note: this event is a side event to the 51st regular session of the Human Rights Council.)

Guest speakers include:

Tatiana Valovaya – Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Martin Chungong – Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and Chair of the IGC Global Board

Federico Villegas – President of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Michèle Taylor – Ambassador and US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council

Esther Dingemans – Executive Director of the Global Survivors Fund and Founding Director of Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation

Maria Teresa T. Almojuela – Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Philippines

Organised by UNOG, the IGC Secretariat and IGC Geneva Steering Group. For full details on the event, follow this link.

About the campaign

The I Say No to Sexism campaign was first launched in 2018 by former Director-General Michael Møller to counter casual sexism at UN Geneva. The reason? A staff survey (November 2017) on perceptions about gender equality at UNOG revealed that sexist behavior occurs in the workplace, but with very different perceptions from respondents. In fact, the disparity in the response demonstrated the scale of the problem: 57% of women respondents disagreed with the statement that sexist behavior never occurs at UNOG, as compared with only 29% of men.

I Say No to Sexism campaign objectives:

  1. Encourage IGC Champions to uphold the IGC Gender-based Violence Pledge by positioning the institution as a sexism-free zone.
  2. Encourage and empower staff and managers to call out and counter casual sexism.
  3. Raise awareness of the harm done by casual sexism and gender-based violence from an intersectional approach.
  4. Foster a change in the mindsets, change the culture and generate safe environments for all free of stigma, sexism, and violence.
  5. Amplify and mobilise support for transformative change to achieve the IGC Commitment towards the Action Coalition on Gender-based Violence.

The term casual sexism denotes behaviour or attitudes that foster stereotypes based on sex and perpetuate unequal treatment of others, usually women. Casual sexism feeds into a culture and a mindset in which de facto discrimination becomes part of everyday life and opens the door to harassment and abuse.



International Gender Champions (IGC) is a leadership network that brings together female & male decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence. Today, this network numbers 313 Champions and 311 alumni, including António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, Tatiana Valovaya, Director General of UNOG, and many more champions.

So far, champions have made over 2000 commitments collectively in areas such as good governance, leadership & accountability, work-life balance, programmatic work, organisational culture and many more. Find the most recent guide to IGC commitments here, and a complementary guide on intersectional discrimination for advice and resources on addressing different and intersecting forms of discrimination.