Getting to the UN
Palais des Nations transit stops are Appia Opens in new windowand NationsOpens in new window
Transports Publics Genevois
Palais des Nations transit stops are Appia and Nations.
Access from Cornavin railway station:
- Bus lines 8, 20, 60 ("Appia" stop)
- Bus line 5 or tram line 15 (“Nations” stop), then a 5 minutes' walk to Pregny Gate
Access from Cointrin airport:
- Bus line 5 (“Nations” stop), then a 5 minutes' walk to Pregny Gate
Other bus lines with stop at “Nations”:
- Other bus lines with stop at “Nations”: 11 and 22, then a 5 minutes' walk to Pregny Gate
In Geneva, unireso public-transport tickets must be purchased prior to boarding a tram, bus or ferry. Ticket machines are available at most stops. Travel cards or passes can be purchased at the main TPG centres (Rive, Cornavin and Bachet de Pesay).
Please note tickets are not available on the bus itself. Hotels, youth hostels or campsites typically offer a Geneva Transport Card, which allows use of public transport in Geneva free of charge during the period of stay.
Access roads to the UN are the Rue de Lausanne and Avenue de la Paix/Route de Pregny.
Visitors are unfortunately not allowed to enter the UN by car or with a bicycle. Public parking is available on the surroundings of the Palais. For further details and locations please visit https://www.geneve-parking.ch/fr/parkings/parkings/parkings-publicsOpens in new window. Public transport is strongly recommended.
Delegates may drive to the Palais des Nations and park their vehicles in the parking lots in the compound, provided they have been delivered a parking sticker. Parking stickers are issued upon written request from the permanent missions. They can be collected from the Pregny Gate, 14 Avenue de la Paix.
To the Palais des Nations:
Conference participants
- Conference participants are to register on the Indico.UNOpens in new window platform prior to attending the respective meeting or conference.
- First time entry for conference participants is through Pregny Gate, Avenue de la Paix 14, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m on weekdays only. This entails the activation of their digital (or printed) conference badge by the Pass & ID Unit. Thereafter, depending on the category of digital (or printed) conference badges, participants will be able to walk through Pregny Gate, Avenue de la Paix 14, or Peace Gate, Place des Nations. Only red badges, which are subject to X-Ray control, must go through Pregny Gate, and will not be able to access the Palais through Peace Gate.
- Visitors coming for a guided tour: please follow the guidelines on the Visits Page.
- All other visitors are to be announced by their host in the Visitor Announcement PageOpens in new window.
- Entry for visitors is possible only at Pregny GateOpens in new window and Peace GateOpens in new window from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. upon which visitors will obtain a digital (or printed) badge for the day after passing through security screening.
All visitors must carry a valid passport (UN Member or Observer State). A valid national ID card issued by a European Member State is also accepted.
To the buildings within the Palais des Nations:
Access to most doors at the Palais des Nations is secured by a centralized access security system and can only be opened by means of a magnetic United Nations grounds pass issued to authorized users. Only public doors will be accessible without a magnetic grounds pass from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays to enable access to visitors and conference participants.
Public Doors:
Annexe Bocage (CLM): Closed
Tempus (Conference Rooms Tempus 1-3): Open 8 a.m. - 7 p.m (except certain meetings to which access will be limited)
E40 (Conference Rooms XVII – XXVII): Open 8 a.m. - 7 p.m
S1 (JMS, SAFI, UNDT): Open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m
E39: (Guided Tours Service): Open 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
All other building doors are under Electronic Access Control and require a magnetic badge for access, including building H via door H60 (Plaza) and the tunnel (link E-H).
Exit of the building after 7 p.m. on weekdays:
Door E40 has a release button that can be activated after 7 p.m.
Exit through the gates after 7 p.m. during the week:
Pregny Gate has a free flow pedestrian exit at the turnstiles, no electronic badge is required. Visitors will leave their magnetic day pass in the receptacle provided for this purpose during their last visit, to exit via the dedicated turnstile.
Peace Gate allows pedestrian to exit at the turnstiles until 7.30 p.m. No electronic access badge is required to exit.
Access by bike
Visitors and conference participants cannot come into the Palais des Nations with a bicycle.
Pedestrian access:Opens in new window
- For permanent badge holders, pedestrian and bicycles, access at Pregny Gate and Peace Gate is open between 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on working days. Pedestrians can also use the turnstiles at Chemin de Fer Gate for exit only until 7.30 p.m.
Vehicle access:Opens in new window
Pregny Gate is open for vehicle access on working days, between 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Chemin de Fer Gate is also open for vehicle access on working days, but only until 2 p.m. It is thereafter completely closed for entry and exit via car.
Buildings:Opens in new window
- Offices and conference/meeting rooms are open between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. on working days.
Emergencies:Opens in new window
- Should you need to enter or exit the campus outside opening hours due to an emergency, please contact security immediately at controlcenter.security-unog@un.orgOpens in new window or +41 (0)22 917 2112. After contacting security, wait at the gate for an officer to assist you. Note that such instances should be rare, and we expect all staff and visitors to have exited the gates by 7.30 p.m.
Accessible Doors
Open access 8:00 a.m. - 7:00p.m.: Doors A11 I E40 I H60
Accessible Toilets
Door A11 | 3rd floor
Door E40 | 1st and 3rd floor
Priority parking
For persons with disabilities is available nearby the accessible doors.
Find more information about accessible routes on our dedicated accessibility page.
Conference participants with specific accessibility requirements are also invited to contact the Conference secretariat, who will consult the Joint Medical Services / UNOG Security and will propose adequate support.
Please be aware that some items are prohibited inside the Palais des Nations. A list of prohibited items can be found on our security page.