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A section of the Palais des Nations showing the UN logo, part of the building and the flags of Member States

“3 分钟”是联合国日内瓦办事处制作的视频系列。每集 3 分钟,我们都会介绍与联合国工作相关的当前话题或主题,让您了解所有相关信息。该系列旨在阐明人权、教育、信息、裁军、可持续发展等各种主题,以及世界各地人们关心的其他问题。

UNSEEN I Human Rights Council


With its 754 seats, the famous room XX at Palais des Nations in Geneva is where human rights take shape. The Human Rights Council has one mission: protecting and promoting human rights for all. And that ceiling above? A reminder that every perspective matters.




Ever wondered where UN leaders and spokespersons brief the media on global crises, humanitarian efforts, and major events? The Press Room at UN Geneva is where journalists get breaking news, world leaders hold press conferences, and the biggest global stories unfold, with over 150 briefings taking place right here last year alone.
