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Today more than ever, the work of the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN’s health agency, remains crucial.
Syria in Transition
In this uncertain transition period in #Syria, how is the UN helping to preserve evidence of atrocities, deliver justice for victims and survivors and promote lasting peace? Let us explain.
International Migrants' Day
Each year, on 18 December, we celebrate International Migrants Day. It is an opportunity to recognize the courage, resilience, and immense contributions of migrants to our societies. In 3 minutes, we explain everything you need to know about migration, its global impact, and how the United Nations and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are working to make migration safer and more beneficial for everyone.
第 3 集| 世界儿童节
今年 11 月 20 日是世界儿童日。这也是《儿童权利公约》颁布 35 周年。我们将在 3 分钟内向您讲解有关这一重要公约的所有信息,以及联合国如何保护儿童并优先考虑他们的参与。
第 2 集| 全球媒体和信息素养周
联合国教科文组织全球媒体和信息素养周:在#3Minutes 中,我们将讲解您需要了解的有关虚假信息的所有信息,以及我们每个人如何采取行动来打击这一祸害。
第 1 季
第 1 集|未来的峰会
您可能已经听说了本周末在纽约举行的#SummitOfTheFuture ,但您知道它为什么如此重要吗?在不到 3 分钟的时间里,我们将向您解释有关这一全球盛事的所有信息。