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Intern Testimonial Yasmin Qarout
"Together, we are unstoppable in our pursuit of a world where all will enjoy justice, dignity, and equality!"Yasmin Qarout is an intern at @unitednationshumanrights, and this is her #InternTestimonial.#internship #HumanRights #Geneva @yasminkarout
🎥 UN Video/Gizem Bayandur
Intern Testimonial | Lu Yao
"I have discovered how my passion and expertise can align with the UN’s mission to make this world a better place." Lu Yao is an intern at the Programme Planning and Budget Section of @UNGeneva and this is her #InternTestimonial.
实习生感言 |加布里埃尔
加布里埃尔·哈林顿 (Gabrielle Harrington) 是@UNGeneva联合检查组的实习生。
这是她的#InternTestimonial 。
实习生感言 | Roya
Roya Aboosaidi 是日内瓦@UNOCHA的实习生,这是她的#InternTestimonial 。
实习生感言 | Morven
“我对裁军和排雷的热情在 20 多年前被点燃,当时我第一次探望越南和柬埔寨的亲戚,亲眼目睹了他们为清除地雷所付出的艰苦而勇敢的努力。
“Morven Thompson 是日内瓦@UNMAS的实习生,这是她的#InternTestimonial 。