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Press Release
Adopts Concluding Observations on the Reports of Cambodia, Colombia, Ireland, Israel and Uzbekistan

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination this afternoon concluded its one hundredth session after adopting its concluding observations and recommendations on the reports of Cambodia, Colombia, Ireland, Israel and Uzbekistan on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

The Committee’s concluding observations and recommendations on the reviewed countries will be available on the session’s webpage.

Rita Izsák-Ndiaye, Committee Rapporteur, said that the Committee had reviewed the reports of Cambodia, Colombia, Ireland, Israel and Uzbekistan and adopted concluding observations on them. In two informal meetings, it had heard from 35 non-governmental organizations from the countries under review, held a video conference with civil society organizations from Cambodia, and received a written submission from the Irish national human rights institution.

The Rapporteur thanked all government delegations, national human rights institutions, civil society representatives and United Nations colleagues for their cooperation and important contributions to the interactive dialogues, which had enriched the Committee’s understanding of the main challenges, good practices and positive developments in the fight against racism and racial discrimination in the States under review.

In the context of the early warning and urgent action procedure, which aimed at preventing and responding to serious violations, the Committee had issued four letters and adopted one decision. It had also adopted the guidelines for reporting reprisals against human rights defenders who collaborated with the Committee, said the Rapporteur.

During the session, the Committee had continued to deal with three inter-State communications. The Chairperson’s consultations were ongoing on the appointment of an ad hoc Conciliation Commission to deal with the next steps in the communications submitted by the State of Qatar against Saudi Arabia and against the United Arab Emirates.

On 12 December, the Committee had adopted a decision on its jurisdiction in the inter-State communication submitted by the State of Palestine against Israel, which would be soon available on the Committee’s website. Next, the Committee would have to decide on the admissibility of the communication, including the determination that all available domestic remedies had been invoked and exhausted in the case, in conformity with the generally recognized principles of international law.

At a special meeting with nine non-governmental organizations on 9 December, the Committee had discussed how to strengthen its work, enhance cooperation and increase the visibility of its work.

During the session, the Committee had reviewed five follow-up reports from Belarus, Canada, Costa Rica, Russia and Sweden, and adopted recommendations therein. It had continued the elaboration of the draft general recommendation 36 on preventing and combatting racial profiling, and on 13 December it had commemorated its historic one hundredth session.

Summaries of the Committee’s public meetings held during the session can be read here.

At its one hundred and first session, which will be held from 20 April to 8 May 2020 in Geneva, the Committee will review the reports of Denmark, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, Singapore and Switzerland.

For use of the information media; not an official record
