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Press Communiqué of Co-Chairs of Geneva International Discussions

Press Release

The thirty-ninth round of the Geneva International Discussions was held today. The Co-Chairs welcomed the overall business-like atmosphere in which it took place.

In Working Group I dealing with security issues, the participants assessed the security situation as relatively calm and stable. There was an extensive exchange of views on a number of issues of concern, in particular detentions, investigation of the May 2016 Khurcha killing and also access to farmland along the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line. The constructive engagement in recent meetings of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms in Ergneti and Gali was welcomed by all participants as an important contribution to stability on the ground. Participants explored ways forward regarding further work on a joint statement on non-use of force. It was agreed to conduct additional consultations on this issue in the run-up to the next round.

In Working Group II on humanitarian issues, the participants reviewed recent developments, with a particular focus on the closure of another two crossing points along the Abkhaz Administrative Boundary Line, reducing the number from six to two within the last year. They discussed the negative impact of the closure on the daily lives of people, including schoolchildren, and on medical evacuations; and how to mitigate these effects. The participants also held detailed discussions on a number of issues relating to travel opportunities, mother-tongue based multilingual education, cultural heritage and environmental concerns. The fate of missing persons remained on the agenda as a major concern for participants. Unfortunately, given persisting diverging positions, it was again impossible to conduct a discussion involving all participants on issues relating to IDPs / refugees. The meeting had to be adjourned before exhausting the agenda of Working Group II.

The participants agreed to hold the next round on 20-21 June 2017.