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Press Release

The first-ever meeting of the Internet Governance Forum will take place in Athens, Greece, from 30 October to 2 November with the overall theme “Internet Governance for Development”.

More than 1,200 participants comprised of government, private sector and civil society representatives, including academic and technical communities, are expected to gather in Athens for the four days to hold interactive discussions on issues related to Internet governance, following the offer by the Greek government to host the event.

This broad gathering provides a unique opportunity for participants to share information, experiences and best practices aiming to contribute to a better understanding of how the Internet can be used to its full potential for the benefit of all people.

Eight main sessions will focus on the Internet’s openness, security, diversity and access. The Greek Minister of Transport and Communications, Michalis Liapis, will serve as Chairman of the meeting, which will consist of panels of high-level experts from around the world. Nitin Desai, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for Internet Governance and Chairman of the Advisory Group tasked with the preparation of the Forum, will chair one of the sessions, which will be devoted to discussing the way forward. Additionally, more than 30 workshops will be held in parallel to the main sessions, focusing on specific issues relevant to Internet governance.

The agenda will be structured along the following themes: openness -- freedom of expression, free flow of information, ideas and knowledge; security -- creating trust and confidence through collaboration; diversity -- promoting multilingualism and local content; access -- Internet connectivity, policy and cost. Capacity building will be treated as a cross-cutting priority and discussions on this theme will focus on what needs to be done to ensure meaningful participation of interested parties from developing countries in matters of public policy that may arise in the management of the Internet.

The Internet Governance Forum is not a decision-making body, but a space for dialogue for all those involved to discuss Internet governance issues. There will be no negotiated outcome, but it is hoped that it will be able to build on the 2005 World Summit on Information Society and create an open and inclusive dialogue among all participants on public policy issues relating to the Internet and create new dynamics between participating institutions.

The Forum can be seen as the beginning of a dialogue between two different cultures: on the one hand the private sector, civil society and the academic and technical communities and their institutions, who are running the Internet and have their tradition of informal bottom-up decision-making and networked communication; and on the other hand the more formal and more structured world of governments and intergovernmental organizations.

Background on the Internet Governance Forum

The issue of Internet governance was one of the most widely debated issues at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), held in two phases in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005. It was also one of the most significant outcomes of the Summit. The first phase of the Summit (Geneva, December 2003) requested the Secretary-General to set up a Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) to look into this issue and prepare a report for deliberation and appropriate action by the Summit’s second phase in Tunis in November 2005. Between the two phases, the Working Group created an open process of consultations with the participation of all interested parties, thus contributing to a better understanding of all issues related to Internet governance.

The second phase of the Summit succeeded in reaching an international consensus on Internet governance matters. The Tunis Agenda on the Information Society called for a further “internationalization” of Internet governance arrangements and placed the discussions in a development context calling for greater efforts for capacity building to enable developing countries to participate effectively in Internet governance matters. It agreed on a broad definition of Internet governance that goes beyond names, numbers and addresses and involves all participants. Furthermore, it identified some priority issues related to the use of the Internet, which require the attention of the international community, such as spam, data protection, freedom of expression, security, cybercrime and the multi-lingualism of the Internet.

Heads of State and Government meeting in Tunis asked the Secretary-General to convene, in an open and inclusive process, a new forum for broad policy dialogue called the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The mandate of the IGF (as set out in paragraph 72 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society) is, among other things, to discuss public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance in order to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet. Furthermore, the mandate (in paragraph 77 of the Tunis Agenda) also makes clear that “the IGF would have no oversight function and would not replace existing arrangements, mechanisms, institutions or organizations, but would involve them and take advantage of their expertise”.

Soon after the Summit, the Secretary-General asked his Special Adviser on WSIS and Internet governance, Nitin Desai, to start a broad-based consultative process on this mandate with the aim to develop a common understanding among all interested parties on the nature and character of the Forum. On 16 and 17 February 2006 consultations were held in Geneva open to all interested parties. The meeting indicated an emerging consensus that the activities of the Forum should have an overall development orientation. It was equally recognized that capacity building should also be an overarching priority and should enable meaningful participation in global Internet policy development and include both assistance to attend meetings, as well as training in the subject matter. Moreover, there was a common understanding that the Forum should meet once a year for a duration of between three to five days.

Based on the outcome of the consultations, the Secretary-General decided to establish a small Secretariat in Geneva, headed by Markus Kummer, who had been serving as Executive Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Working Group on Internet Governance, to assist in the convening of the Forum. In light of the consultations and the contributions submitted to the Secretariat, the Secretary-General established in May a 46-member Advisory Group to assist him in this task. The Group, which is chaired by Mr. Desai, includes members from governments, the private sector and civil society, including the academic and technical communities, representing all regions.

A second round of consultations, held in Geneva on 19 May 2006, further clarified the substantive priorities for the first meeting of the Forum. Spam, multilingualism, cybercrime, cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, freedom of expression, human rights, interconnection costs were among the most frequently mentioned issues for the Forum to deal with. The Advisory Group met on 22 and 23 May and 7 and 8 September to prepare the agenda and programme of the first meeting.

Advisory Group Members


Desai, Nitin (Delhi/Mumbai) - Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Internet Governance


Agrawala, Pankaj (Delhi) - Joint Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Akinsanmi, Titilayo (Johannesburg) - Programme Manager, SchoolNet Africa; Global Facilitator of the WSIS Youth Caucus

Akplogan, Adiel (Port Louis) - Chief Executive Officer, Regional Internet Registry
(RIR) for Africa - AfriNIC

Al-Shatti, Qusai (Kuwait City) - Deputy Chairman of Kuwait Information Technology Society (KITS)

Bayramov, Ayaz (Baku) - Head of Department for International Relations and Cooperation with NGOs, Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies

Bicalho, José (Brasilia) - Member of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee; Advisor to the Board of Directors of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)

Clarke, Trevor (Geneva) - Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Daftardar, Abdullah M. (Riyadh) - Senior Executive, Communications and Information Technology Commission

Dardailler, Daniel (Nice) - Associate Chair for Europe, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); Member, Board of Directors, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

D’Costa, Valerie (Singapore) - International Director, Info-Communication Development Authority, Singapore

Diop Diagne, Ndeye Maimouna (Dakar) - Directrice des NTIC, Ministère des Postes, Télécommunications et Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (NTIC)

Disspain, Chris (Carlton) - Victoria, Chair, Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) Council; Chief Executive Officer, .au Registry

Echeberría, Raúl (Montevideo) - Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC)

El-Nawawy, Mohamed (Cairo) - Chairman and Managing Director, TE Data

Fältström, Patrik (Stockholm) - Consulting Engineer, Cisco Systems; Member, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); Member, Swedish Government Information Technology Policy and Strategy Group

Gallagher, Michael D. (Washington D.C.) - Chairman of the Communications Group, Perkins Coie LLC

Graham, Bill (Ottawa) - Director, International Telecommunication Policy and Coordination, Industry Canada

Gross, Robin D. (San Francisco, California) - Executive Director, IP Justice

Hassan, Ayesha (Paris) - Senior Policy Manager, e-Business, Information Technology, and Telecoms, Executive in charge of Information and Communication Technology Policy, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Hellmonds, Peter (Munich) - Vice President, Public and International Affairs, Siemens AG

Hofmann, Jeanette (Berlin) - Researcher, Social Science Research Center

Iriarte, Erick (Lima) - Executive Director, Alfa-Redi

Kafi, Abdullah (Dhaka) - Managing Director, J A N Associates Limited; former President, Bangladesh Computer Society

Kārkliņš, Jānis (Geneva) - Permanent Representative of Latvia to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Katoh, Masanobu (Tokyo) - Corporate Vice President; President, Law and Intellectual Property Unit and Security Export Control Headquarters, Fujitsu Limited

Katundu, Michael (Nairobi) - Principal Officer, Information Technology Communications Commission

Khan, Masood (Geneva) - Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Kovács, Kálmán (Budapest) - Minister of Informatics and Communications

Lohento, Gemma Brice (“Ken”) (Dakar) - Panos Institute West Africa, Coordinator,
Center for International information and communication technology Policies for Central and West Africa (CIPACO)

Markovski, Veni (Sofia) - Chair of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee; Member, Board of Directors, ICANN

Oliver, Colin (Canberra) - General Manager, International Communications, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts

Peake, Adam (Tokyo) - Executive Research Fellow/Associate Professor, Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM), International University of Japan

Pisanty, Alejandro (Mexico City) - Director of Computing Academic Services, Universidad Autónoma de México; Director ISOC Mexico; Vice Chair, Board of Directors, ICANN

Quaynor, Nii (Accra) - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Network Computer Systems; President, Internet Society of Ghana

Sha'ban, Charles (Amman) - Executive Director, Regional Office, Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP)

Shears, Matthew (Copenhagen) - Director of Public Policy, Internet Society (ISOC)

Sierra, Colombo (Buenos Aires) - Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Singer, Christian (Vienna) - Head of Division, Federal Ministry of Transportation

Slizen, Vitaliy (Moscow) - Head of Department, Information and Communication Ministry

Swinehart, Theresa (Marina del Rey, California) - Vice President, Global and Strategic Partnerships, ICANN

Taylor, Emily (Oxford) - Nominet (.uk), Director of Legal and Policy

Wessberg, Arne (Helsinki) - President, European Broadcasting Union (EBU); President, International Institute of Communication

Xiaokun, Yang (Geneva) - First Secretary, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Yahaya, Issah (Accra) - Head of Policy Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation/Telecoms, Ministry of Communications

Zangl, Peter (Brussels) - Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission

Programme for the Internet Governance Forum

Main Sessions:

Monday, 30 October

10:00 a.m. Opening Ceremony

3:00 p.m. Multistakeholder Policy Dialogue – “Setting the Scene”

Tuesday, 31 October

10:00 a.m. Openness - Freedom of expression and free flow of information, ideas and knowledge

3:00 p.m. Security - Creating trust and confidence through collaboration

Wednesday, 1 November

10:00 a.m. Diversity - Promoting multilingualism and local content

3:00 p.m. Access - Internet connectivity: Policy and cost

Thursday, 2 November

10:00 a.m. Chairman’s Summary
“Taking Stock and the Way Forward”

3:00 p.m. Emerging Issues

5:00 p.m. Closing Ceremony


Tuesday, 31 October

9:30 a.m. Building local access

11:30 a.m. Participation workshop

1:30 p.m. IG for participation

3:30 p.m. Multilingual global Internet

5:30 p.m. Towards a multilingual Internet

Wednesday, 1 November

9:30 a.m. Building Policy Capacity

11:30 a.m. Privacy workshop I

1:30 p.m. Privacy workshop II

3:30 p.m. Content Regulation and Access

5:30 p.m. Enhancing Multi-stakeholder Participation

Thursday, 2 November

9:30 a.m. Infrastructure Security

11:30 a.m. Greening IT

1:30 p.m. Framework Convention

3:30 p.m. ICT: tool for transparency

5:30 p.m. Free Expression

For use of the information media; not an official record
