

Press Conferences

Following are the remarks by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, to the special meeting of the Human Rights Council convened in honour of the President of the Republic of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, which was held this afternoon at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

“It is a distinct pleasure and a particular privilege to welcome you to the Palais des Nations. Madam President, your visit is a demonstration of Chile’s strong belief in multilateralism as a key component of a thriving democracy. Chile’s peaceful transition to democracy, its readiness to confront and to learn from the past, and to work towards reconciliation by putting an end to impunity hold valuable lessons for the region and for the rest of the world. By being with us here, you show your personal commitment – and that of the people of Chile – to sharing these, often painful, experiences with the international community. You do so in an effort to help promote and protect human rights and to advance the rule of law and democracy worldwide.

Chile’s contributions to the United Nations across the entire spectrum of our activities – as an active participant in United Nations peacekeeping, as a member of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, as a champion of disarmament, as a significant force in development efforts, and as an advocate of multilateral measures to address climate change – continue to leave an important mark on the Organization. We value highly Chile’s unequivocal commitment to multilateral responses to the challenges before the international community – and the country’s support for the United Nations as the central platform for multilateral action.

The work of the United Nations family in Geneva touches the lives of millions across the world. Chile’s strong involvement in many of our activities greatly strengthens them and brings benefits to people in all corners of the globe. In all these different fields, Chile places the dignity and well being of the individual at the centre, as an essential element in achieving peace and prosperity for all.

In addition to its strong emphasis on civil and political rights, Chile has set an example by focusing on economic and social rights as well. Indeed, Chile is the only country in Latin America that has already achieved the target of halving extreme poverty, which is one of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Madam President: your visit is a confirmation of Chile’s support for the ongoing reform and strengthening of the United Nations. This very Council is an institutional embodiment of these reform efforts, and a manifestation of the United Nations’ deep commitment to the cause of human rights. Your presence here – as an eloquent and fearless champion of human rights and democracy – is a vote of confidence in this new United Nations body and an illustration of a significant political commitment to ensuring that it fulfils its promise. We greatly appreciate your personal determination to follow through on the reform agenda.

This meeting is indeed a reaffirmation of the deep-rooted relationship between Chile and the United Nations. We wish you and the people of Chile all success in your efforts to consolidate democracy and good governance, and to further development for all. Be assured that the United Nations will continue to be a steadfast partner in these efforts”.

For use of the information media; not an official record
