

Press Conferences

Following is the statement by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, delivered at a concert at the Grand Théâtre de Genève on Tuesday, 24 October 2006, on the occasion of United Nations Day:

“C’est pour moi un honneur d’être parmi vous ce soir à l’occasion de la Journée des Nations Unies. Permettez-moi d’exprimer ma gratitude au Conseil d’État de la République et Canton de Genève, au Conseil administratif de la Ville de Genève, ainsi qu’à la Fondation de l’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande qui accueillent ce soir la communauté internationale de Genève. Ce geste généreux est un cadeau d’anniversaire très spécial et un exemple vivant de l’engagement permanent du pays hôte envers les efforts des Nations Unies.

Our world faces daunting challenges to peace, development and human rights. Across the globe, regional conflicts, nuclear proliferation and threats, failure of disarmament efforts, terrorism, civil strife, poverty and the denial of fundamental freedoms continue to blight people’s lives. We can only confront these interconnected threats and challenges with common resolve, unity of purpose and collective action.

Yet, our globalized world is becoming ever-more polarized. There is a need to rebuild trust for us to be able to forge a shared vision of a better world for all. Genuine, inclusive and open dialogue is key to overcoming the divisions and bridging the differences.

A revitalized and renewed United Nations is central to these global efforts. As we celebrate our 61st birthday, we continue to reform because we believe in the future of the Organization. And because a strong, effective and efficient United Nations is critical to delivering results to those that we serve: the peoples of the world. The credibility of this Organization depends on our ability to meet their expectations.

La Journée des Nations Unies est une opportunité pour nous tous – la famille humaine – de réaffirmer notre dévouement aux valeurs, principes et objectifs de notre unique et indispensable organisation. Poursuivons nos efforts pour faire progresser la paix, accélérer le développement et défendre la dignité de chaque être humain. Je vous remercie.”

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For use of the information media; not an official record