

Press Conferences

Following is the statement by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, delivered at a ceremony today on the occasion of the 2006 edition of the Geneva Opera Pool at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices:

C’est un grand honneur d’être avec vous ce soir à l’occasion de la Geneva Opera Pool. Cette manifestation est une excellente opportunité pour témoigner des relations solides et constructives entre la communauté internationale de Genève et nos hôtes – Ville et Canton de Genève ainsi que la Confédération helvétique – et je suis convaincu de son grand succès comme par le passé.

The Geneva Opera Pool offers a welcome occasion for reaffirming our shared values and commitment to global objectives in the service of peace, development and human rights, as well as our continued efforts in enhancing our constructive cooperation. This evening is another example of Switzerland’s commitment to enhancing the already close relationship with the international community. We, at the United Nations Office at Geneva, have an opportunity to experience the generosity of our Host Country on a daily basis through its constructive and continued engagement in all aspects of the work of the United Nations. This is further demonstrated by Geneva, Cantonal and Federal authorities’ important efforts in promoting an environment that fosters dialogue and collaboration with all members of the international community, be it the diplomatic community, civil society or the private sector. One thing is for sure – everyone is made to feel welcome by our Hosts.

Mozart is known to have said that people who thought that his art came easily to him were mistaken. In his own words, “Nobody has devoted so much time and thought to composition as I. There is not a famous master whose music I have not studied over and over”. So this evening, accompanied by the common language of music, let us be inspired by the words and work of Mozart. Indeed, the success of our endeavours in overcoming global threats and challenges requires hard work and dedication. And like the character Titus from this evening’s performance, our principles and actions may often be put to the test. However, it is through our collective efforts and with a common vision that unites all of us that we can triumph over these hurdles. This evening therefore not only inspires us but also serves to remind us of our common humanity, which the United Nations was founded on.

Je vous souhaite une excellente soirée.

For use of the information media; not an official record
