
WMO Press Conference

Press Conference Announcement
The World Meteorological Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization, UN Convention to Combat Desertification and other partners have convened a high-level conference on national drought policy 11-15 March in a bid to create more drought resilient societies. Recent droughts in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel region and the ongoing droughts in Northeast Brazil and parts of the United States show that developing and developed nations alike are vulnerable to drought, which is one of the most devastating natural hazards. The conference aims to encourage coordinated, proactive national drought policies to replace the current vacuum.
This briefing will set the scene for the conference and provide background. There will be a formal press conference with the heads of WHO, FAO and UNCCD on Thursday 14 March at the CICG at 11 am (time still to be confirmed)
Mr. Mannava Sivakumar, WMO Climate Prediction and Adaptation Branch