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Meeting Summaries

The Group of Governmental Experts of the States parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) devoted time during its first 2011 session held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 21 to 25 February, to discuss preparations for the CCW Fourth Review Conference (Geneva, 14-25 November 2011). The Group held two meetings on this issue, notably to discuss the organizational aspects of the review conference and the Convention’s universalization, respectively. Under the President designate of the Fourth Review Conference, Ambassador Gancho Ganev of Bulgaria, the Group decided to recommend for adoption by the Fourth Review Conference the provisional agenda and the rules of procedure of the review conference. The President designate also underscored that the universalization of the Convention and its Protocols will be one of the key elements of his presidency and that the implementation of the Plan of Action on the Universality of the Convention and its annexed Protocols, adopted by the 2006 Third Review Conference, will be thoroughly reviewed during the review conference.

Aside from the preparations for the Fourth Review Conference, the Group of Governmental Experts continued negotiations on the humanitarian impact of cluster munitions while striking a balance between military and humanitarian considerations. The negotiations were chaired by Minister Jesus S. Domingo of the Philippines, who was reappointed by the 2010 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties. The Chairperson was assisted by Lt. Col. Leonidas F. Hidalgo of the Philippines Armed Forces, as Chairperson of the Meetings of the Military and Technical Experts. Moreover, Lt. Col. Jim Burke of Ireland, Ms. Anesa Kunduroviæ of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Mr. Philip Kimpton of Australia also facilitated the negotiations as the Friends of the Chair.

At the opening of the session the Chairperson underscored that his philosophy of the “three T’s” approach – transparency, teamwork and time management – would continue to guide the work of the Group of Governmental Experts throughout his chairmanship. The Group met in both plenary and informal settings. The Chairperson noted that the informal meetings provided a valuable opportunity to stimulate interactive dialogue among delegations in an effort to find ways for moving forward. During the session the United States delegation made a presentation on the “Shelf Life of U.S. Cluster Munitions.”

In his closing remarks Chairperson Domingo urged delegations that the work on cluster munitions would “require a lot of good will from all sides, including a constructive attitude and an open mind.” He stated that this year the States parties must seriously decide on the fate of cluster munitions in the CCW context. He also said that the momentum which the Group had created in its first session should be maintained, especially in preparation for the Group’s second session. He and his team will prepare a new Chair’s paper based on the deliberations during the first session, which would be circulated to delegations in time for the beginning of the next session.

The second session of the Group of Governmental Experts will take place in Geneva from 28 March to 1 April 2011.


The humanitarian impact of cluster munitions has been discussed within the CCW since 2001, first under a broader theme of explosive remnants of war, and since 2007 as the main item of the agenda of the Group of Governmental Experts. Although the Group has invested much effort during the last four years in drafting a new protocol on prohibitions and restrictions on the use of cluster munitions, there still exist divergent views on the content. Amidst such controversy, the States Parties eventually reached consensus to renew for another year the mandate of the Group at the 2010 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW.

The 2010 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the Convention held in Geneva on 25 and 26 November 2010 decided on the mandate of the Group of Governmental Experts, as follows:

“The Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) will meet from 21 to 25 February, from 28 March to 1 April and from 22 to 26 August 2011.

The GGE will conduct preparatory work for the Fourth Review Conference under the overall responsibility of the President Designate.

The GGE will continue its negotiations informed by the Chair’s Text Document CCW/GGE/2010-II/WP.2 on a draft protocol on cluster munitions, and taking into account other past, present and future proposals by delegations, with a view to making a recommendation for consideration by the Fourth Review Conference, to address urgently the humanitarian impact of cluster munitions, while striking a balance between military and humanitarian considerations. The work of the GGE will be supported by experts on relevant issues.

The GGE will report to the Fourth Review Conference.”

The Meeting of the High Contracting Parties decided to convene the Fourth Review Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Convention from 14 to 25 November 2011 at Geneva. The Meeting also decided to designate Ambassador Gancho Ganev of Bulgaria as President of the Fourth Review Conference, and appointed Minister Jesus S. Domingo of the Philippines as Chairperson of the Group of Governmental Experts.

For more information pertaining to the CCW, please refer to its official website: http://www.unog.ch/ccw , or contact:

Mr. Bantan Nugroho
Head of the CCW Implementation Support Unit
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Geneva Branch
Office C.115, Palais des Nations,
United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland
E-mail: ccw@unog.ch

For use of the information media; not an official record
