
Director-General's remarks at the United Nations Women's Guild Art Exhibition

Tatiana Valovaya

UNWG Art Exhibition 2024: “Nature and Wellbeing”

Monday, 6 May 2024 at 12:00

Building E, Palais des Nations


Mesdames et Messieurs,

Chers amis, 

C’est un grand plaisir pour moi d’être parmi vous aujourd’hui pour l’ouverture de cette exposition. Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement Madame la Présidente Ajkuna Thanati, l’équipe du Cercle féminin des Nations Unies, ainsi que toutes les personnes qui ont œuvré à la réalisation de cette magnifique exposition. 

This exhibition is an opportunity to remember a range of activities that the United Nations Women's Guild organizes here, at the Palais des Nations in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. One of the well-known events which I attend every year is the International Bazaar, a unique cultural event that promotes diversity and mutual understanding by showcasing national traditions, arts and heritage. 

Another well-known annual activity of the Guild – the Children’s Walk – supports financially disadvantaged children, so they can continue their education. I look forward to seeing many of you at the Palais des Nations next week at the Children's Walk, devoted to the theme of children’s well-being and a clean environment.

The projects that you have successfully implemented all around the world are the best illustration that every small step counts to make a big change. I wish to take this opportunity to warmly thank all the members of the UN Women’s Guild for your exceptional dedication and commitment to helping vulnerable women and children overcome poverty and achieve fullness of life. 

This exhibition highlights the double role of the Guild: unite the UN family together here in Geneva and contribute to sustainable development on a global scale.

The theme of this year’s exhibition, “Nature and Well-being” reminds us about the profound connection between nature and human well-being. The artworks showcased here speak to the beauty, the serenity and the essential role that nature plays in nurturing our spirits and improving our quality of life.

This exhibition is especially relevant in the context of our global commitment to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. As we explore these artworks today, let us reflect on the critical role each of us can play in advancing the SDGs. Let us never forget that it is our shared responsibility to protect our planet for the well-being of present and future generations.

In closing, let us draw inspiration from this exhibition to continue working towards a world where nature thrives and human well-being flourishes.

Thank you.



This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.