
Photo exhibition “LiensLazos”

Michael Møller

24 octobre 2017
Exposition photos “LiensLazos”

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Photo exhibition “LiensLazos”

Tuesday, 24 October 2017, at 13:00
Communal Space, E Building, 3rd floor – Door 40, Palais des Nations

Ambassador Estrada Roman,
Ms. Vega Linhares,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

A warm welcome to today’s opening of the photo exhibition “LiensLazos”. We are grateful to the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua for bringing this wonderful exhibition to the Palais des Nations. Let me also express our sincere appreciation to Ms. Vega Linhares, whose photographs we are about to see.

A photograph is a biography of a moment. But the 36 pictures in this exhibition also speak to a more lasting, universal truth. A truth that lies at the heart of the United Nations. Namely the truth that no matter how far the physical distance between us; or how different our daily experiences and personal histories may be – if we come together, we inevitably recognize our common humanity and build bonds that last. This is the truth that these intimate and captivating pictures reveal.

More than thirty years ago, a group of young, adventurous Biennois embarked on a journey to Nicaragua. They finally arrived in San Marcos, a place almost 10,000 km from their home. At first sight, a place different in almost every way from their hometown at the foot of the Jura mountains.

But this sense of otherness proved superficial. Look at any of the 18 pairs in this exhibition which juxtapose an image taken in Bienne with one from San Marcos. A feeling of familiarity, a sense of togetherness, is much more palpable than the apparent differences between a Swiss and Nicaraguan kitchen or schoolroom. Succinctly put, the pictures show contrasts, but convey similarity.

The pictures tell us a story of solidarity, affection and friendship between the people of San Marcos and Bienne. A story that is encouraging and commendable – and a story that holds lessons of direct relevance to our work and mission right here in Geneva.

Let me explain: We often speak about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its 17 Goals and 169 targets, in terms of actions for governments, international organisations, and other “big and small players” in the international system. But for the 2030 Agenda to mature from aspiration to reality, the actions of governments alone won’t suffice. We need everyone, at every level – national, regional, local – to play their part and contribute. We need to forge connections between diverse actors across geographies and disciplines. The spirit of solidarity shown in the pictures of this exhibition between two small, great cities in Nicaragua and Switzerland are an inspiring testament to this insight.

Thank you again for being here with us today and for organizing this eye-opening and heart-warming exhibition!

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.