
Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day

Michael Møller

27 juin 2017
Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

“Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day”

International Trade Centre, 54-56 rue de Montbrillant, Geneva
Tuesday, 27 June 2017, at 18h45 (or earlier)

Ambassador Casanueva,
Executive Director González,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

You may be wondering why I am speaking to you today, on Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day. At first glance, it would appear that MSMEs are only of interest to those branches of the United Nations that focus on economics or trade. In truth, these firms are front and centre for the entire UN family. When the General Assembly designated this day, it did so in recognition of the vital contributions of MSMEs to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the pursuit of a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.

The reach of Micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises is felt far and wide, including in the integration of refugees and migrants and the hiring of young people, to name just two examples.

MSMEs play a central role in tackling today’s challenges for two reasons: scale and reach. First, MSMEs are collectively the dominant economic power on Earth. Globally, they make up more than 90 percent of all firms, more than 50 percent of gross domestic product and over 60 percent of total employment. Second, the future of sustainable development will be decided at the grassroots, where MSMEs are cornerstones of local communities. Their products sustain and improve life, the raw materials they use have a direct impact on the environment and their paychecks support vulnerable people. In fact, these firms employ a large share of the most vulnerable sections of the workforce, including less educated workers, poorer households, women and young people. Engaging MSMEs is vital if sustainable development is to “leave no one behind”.

Allow me to share a few examples of how micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises can play a role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Take, for example, Goal 5: Empowering All Women and Girls. MSMEs not only help empower women by providing access to economic resources, but they offer an opportunity for some to forge their own firms and thus their independence. Or take Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production. As local enterprises are often closely linked to their communities and land, MSMEs can be valuable allies in promoting sustainable management and the efficient use of resources.

In closing, I would like to thank the International Trade Centre and Ambassador Casanueva, as well as the panel members and moderator, for making today’s event possible. I look forward to the next opportunity to celebrate Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Thank you.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.