
Commemoration of victims of attack on Charlie Hebdo

Michael Møller

9 janvier 2015
Commemoration of victims of attack on Charlie Hebdo

Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Commemoration of victims of attack on Charlie Hebdo

Palais des Nations, Room III
Friday, 9 January 2015 at 10:15 a.m.

Dear Friends and colleagues:

Thank you for being here to show your solidarity with the victims of the horrendous attack on Wednesday on Charlie Hebdo and on our shared democratic values.

Please join me in a moment of silence in honour of the colleagues killed on Wednesday.

Minute of silence

The attack on Charlie Hebdo was an attack against freedom of expression and freedom of the press - values shared by people across the world. It was an attack on all of us. And sadly it followed other utterly unacceptable attacks on journalists, writers and media professionals, a worrying and reprehensible trend of assaults on the freedoms we hold dear. We were reminded of these realities only this morning with the devastating news that two journalists from Tunisia have been aassassinated in Libya. Our thoughts and all our sympathies are with their loved ones, just as they are with the families and friends of the victims of the attack in Paris and with the people and Government of France.

Nous sommes tous Charlie.

Cet acte barbare contre l’expression libre et non-violente de la pensée a eu l'effet contraire de celui attendu par ses commanditaires. Il a renforcé notre détermination de protéger et promouvoir les valeurs qui nous sont chères et notre engagement en faveur de la tolérance et du respect des différences d'opinions et de croyances.

Cette détermination, démontrée par la déclaration unanime du Conseil de Sécurité et par les milliers de personnes qui sont spontanément descendues dans les rues de nos villes, nous redonne courage et espoir. Elle est le fondement même de sociétés démocratiques, ouvertes et pluralistes et la seule réponse valable à l'extrémisme et la violence, d’ou qu’ils viennent.

C’est le meilleur hommage que nous puissions rendre à ceux qui ont été si brutalement assassinés pour avoir osé parler et dessiner librement.

Today, we honoured the victims all through silence. But we will truly honour their memory by speaking up and speaking out. Because true courage lies in an open exchange of view. True respect for others comes through dialogue.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.