
"Art and Artisanat"

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

8 mai 2013
"Art and Artisanat"

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“Art & Artisanat”

Palais des Nations, Mezzanine, E Building, 2nd Floor
Tuesday, 7 May 2013 at 6 p.m.

Mrs. Massé-Basu
Ladies and gentlemen:

I am pleased to welcome you to the opening of the exhibition “Art and Artisanat”. I am grateful to the United Nations Women’s Guild for organizing this event. This annual exhibition proves to be a vibrant showcase of its members’ many talents.

What is more, the proceeds of some of these works will go towards Women’s Guild projects around the world. We in the United Nations appreciate your efforts to make a difference. Your work shows that small-scale projects can have a real impact on children’s lives.

Just yesterday I opened an art exhibition organized by the Council of Europe here at the Palais des Nations. Perhaps you have seen it – it is at Door 40. And I noted their remarkable unity in diversity. The Council is made up of 47 members from every part of Europe. But nonetheless, they work together to advance human rights, the rule of law and democracy.

When I think of the Women’s Guild, I also think of this same unity in diversity. You are made up of women from different cultures and backgrounds, yet unite together to support children’s projects around the world. Not to mention the annual Bazaar - always an enormous success.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

As we enjoy the exhibition this evening, let’s continue to give our support to the United Nations Women’s Guild. Continue to encourage their work for children. And continue our shared efforts for a better world for us all.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.