
Donation of a painting to the UNOG art collection

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

31 juillet 2012
Cérémonie de don d'un tableau à la collection d'art de l'ONUG

Distinguished Chinese Diplomats,
Dear friends:

(In Chinese)


我特别感谢中文书会把这幅精彩的画捐给了联合国日内瓦办事处的艺术收藏。九百年前绘制的这幅作品今天仍然是中国辽宁省博物馆中异常珍贵的展品, 我们为能收到它的复制品深感荣幸。

取名 “虢国夫人游春图”的绘画摹本, 以中国传统的立轴和手卷的装帧形式,生动地反映了唐朝这一中国文明黄金时代的精神。通过马背上女士的华美服饰, 古代著名画家赵佶描述了当时春节的一幅欢乐的春分图。多亏了文物出版社印刷厂的顶极印刷技术,我们才能欣赏这一非常逼真的复制品,而这一艺术品还会极大地丰富万国宫的艺术收藏。我们将高兴地在万国宫展示这一艺术品, 使工作人员和来自世界各地的常驻团代表以及参观者共同欣赏。 这一艺术品还又一次彰显了中国与联合国之间的强大纽带。


(Translation: It is a pleasure to be with you today and to have had the privilege to discover this extraordinary exhibition before it is officially opened. I especially thank the Chinese Book Club for organizing this unique event. The Chinese Book Club plays an important role, as it increases awareness of Chinese culture and gives us all the opportunity to learn more about China. My gratitude also goes to Ms. LI Han, who has sponsored this exhibition. Without her support, this exhibition would not have been possible. )

I am extremely grateful to the Chinese Book Club for the donation of this amazing painting to the UNOG art collection. We are honoured to receive a copy of an artwork which has been produced 900 years ago and which is today a very precious exhibit of the Liaoning Provincial Museum in China.
The facsimile painting entitled “Spring Outing of the Queen of Guo” presented in the traditional Chinese hand-scroll format reflects in a vivid way the spirit of the Tang period, the Golden Age of Chinese civilization. The famous ancient painter Zhao Ji transmits through the colourful dresses of the women a joyful impression of the Spring Festival at that time.

Thanks to the highest technics of The Heritage Press print works we can enjoy a very authentic reproduction of the original and the artwork will greatly enrich the art collection of the Palais des Nations. It will be a pleasure for us to display the donation here and thereby provide the opportunity for staff, representatives of Permanent Missions from all over the world, and visitors to admire it. It also demonstrates the strong links between China and the United Nations.

Thank you for your attention.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.