
"La Edad de la Inocencia: Recuerdos de un tiempo pasado"

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

27 février 2012
"La Edad de la Inocencia: Recuerdos de un tiempo pasado"

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“La Edad de la Inocencia: Recuerdos de un tiempo pasado”

Palais des Nations, Mezzanine, E Building, 2nd floor
Monday, 27 February 2012 at 6:15 p.m.

Minister Almagro Lemes,
Ambassador Nario,
Ambassador Dupuy,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Es un placer desearles a todos ustedes la bienvenida a esta exposición, esta noche (It is a pleasure to welcome you all for this exhibition this evening). I would especially like to thank Minister Almagro Lemes for his presence here, as well as the Permanent Mission of Uruguay for organizing this special event. I am very pleased that we are able to display the artwork of Nelson Romero in the Palais des Nations. This exhibition is a fitting tribute – both to the Bicentennial of the emancipation process of the Uruguayan people and to Uruguay’s presidency of the Human Rights Council, which comes to an end next month.

Today, we mark the start of the 19th session of the Human Rights Council. Beginning with the High-Level Segment this week, the Human Rights Council will review matters ranging from the human rights situation in Libya and Syria, to freedom of expression on the Internet, to the rights of persons with disabilities, and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation. As we have seen most strikingly during this past year - and during Uruguay’s presidency – the Human Rights Council is a vital and relevant instrument in promoting the human rights priorities of the United Nations. In addition to responding to urgent human rights needs on the ground, it also serves to protect and prevent through its policy development and monitoring mechanisms. It provides an important contribution to achieving the “culture of prevention” called for this year by the Secretary-General. By focusing a spotlight on human rights violations around the world - and by following up with sustained engagement – the Council reinforces the inherent nature of these rights to all human beings.

Dear Colleagues:
This exhibition celebrates the innocence and the imagination of children which allows them to create new worlds. A world in which all human rights are respected – everywhere and for everyone – should not be too distant in our imaginations. Thanks to the important role played by Uruguay in the Human Rights Council, I hope that we are one step closer to this world.

Gracias por su atención, les deseo que disfruten de la exposición y que pasen una feliz noche. (Thank you for your attention, I hope that you enjoy the exhibition and wish you a good evening).

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.