
"La Macchina del Vento"

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

28 septembre 2011
"La Macchina del Vento"

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“La Macchina del Vento”

Palais des Nations, Garden, Outside Door 20
Wednesday, 28 September 2011 at 12:30 p.m.

Ambassador Mirachian
Mr. Bolley
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a pleasure to welcome you all for the unveiling of the sculpture “La Macchina del Vento” by Eugenio Bolley. I would like to especially thank the Permanent Mission of Italy for organizing this ceremony and reception. And I would also like to extend my most warm appreciation to both the Permanent Mission and the artist, Mr. Bolley, for this generous donation to the grounds of the Palais des Nations.

Dear Colleagues:
The inscription on this windmill reads that it is “Turning, Turning for Peace.” Peace is at the heart of the United Nations mandate, and one could say that as the windmill is turning, we are working for peace. From our peacekeeping, peacebuilding and political missions across the world, to our UN agencies, funds and programmes, to partnerships with Member States, non-governmental and regional organizations – this work is being accomplished in many ways; in many locations.

We do this work knowing that development, security and respect for human rights are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Without one, it is not possible to have the other.

Conflict is also a great impediment to sustainable development. Peace, stability and security are therefore essential to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. These factors are critical if we want to slash poverty, hunger, disease, and maternal and child death by 2015. As the Secretary-General has said, “…if we cannot bring conflict to an end, we will not eliminate poverty.”

Ladies and Gentlemen:
As we admire this remarkable sculpture, let us reflect on the work that is being done around the globe to build and maintain peace. This windmill highlights the hope of the world for sustainable peace. As it is turning for peace, let us recommit to turning the promises of a better world into reality.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.