
"The Aland Islands Solution - a precedent for successful international disputes settlement"

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

21 juin 2011
"The Aland Islands Solution - a precedent for successful international disputes settlement"

Opening remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
“The Aland Islands Solution – a precedent for successful international disputes settlement”

Palais des Nations, League of Nations Museum /Salle de prêt
Tuesday, 21 June 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

Ambassador Himanen
Ambassador Knutsson
Mr. Nordlund
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a pleasure to welcome you all for this exhibit, which highlights the historical and present-day importance of the Aland Islands Solution. I thank the Permanent Mission of Finland for organizing this special event and the Permanent Representative of Sweden and the President of the Parliament of the Aland Islands for their presence here this evening.

Dear Colleagues:
The Aland Islands Solution set a precedent for the successful negotiation of international disputes. The decision by the League of Nations in 1921 to approve the autonomous status and demilitarization of the Islands was instrumental. It helped to protect minority rights while at the same time providing a mutually agreeable and peaceful resolution to a conflict.

That both Finland and Sweden acknowledged the decision as a standing and valid ruling, established the legitimacy of transnational intervention. This, in turn, proved the effectiveness of international bodies such as the League of Nations. In this way, the Aland Islands Solution paved the way for conflict resolution leading up to this day. It continues to serve as an example of how peaceful mediation can be used to solve contemporary conflicts or disputes with regional, ethnic or minority dimensions.

Following this solution, the United Nations has gone on to play an important role in conflict prevention and dispute mediation and resolution. We work in areas of tension around the world to assist in defusing crises and brokering negotiated settlements to conflicts. United Nations political missions are deployed to the field with mandates to encourage dialogue and cooperation within and between nations, or to promote reconciliation and democratic governance in societies rebuilding after civil wars.

The case of the Aland Islands clearly shows that even the most difficult territorial issues may find acceptable solutions provided that it is political will expressed by the parties concerned and due respect to the fundamental role of major international organizations, including first of all, the United Nations. Aland Islands epitomized political wisdom and diplomatic skill.

The work of the United Nations in conflict prevention also involves a broad constellation of United Nations entities operating across a wide range of relevant disciplines - poverty-eradication and development, human rights and the rule of law, elections and the building of democratic institutions, the control of small arms, to name just a few.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
As we enjoy this exhibition, let us reflect on the important lessons of the Aland Islands Solution and reaffirm our commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflict.

Thank you very much.

This speech is part of a curated selection from various official events and is posted as prepared.