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Press Remarks by the UN Special Envoy for Syria,<br>Geir O. Pedersen

Statements and Speeches

Q: Regarding your latest briefing to the UN Security Council, and the global tour you have made, I would like to ask you about the latest outcomes of such meetings, as a first question. And the second question, now that you were in Damascus, and held talks and discussions with the regime, and now that you are here to hold discussions with the opposition, I would like to know also about the outcomes of such meetings as well.

SE: First and foremost, I am very pleased to be back here, and to have good – I hope – and substantial, in-depth discussions with the SNC on the implementation of Security Council resolution 2254. As I said in my briefing to the Security Council, my first priority would be to deepen my dialogue with the Government, and with the opposition, and then I also mentioned the other four priorities that I am working on. And, as you rightly said, I had good discussions in Damascus, and I am very hopeful that the discussions here today will be good and in-depth on the critical issues that we are facing, so that we can launch a political process that would end the conflict in Syria.

Q: And on the second question – your meetings with the regime and the opposition?

SE: As I said I had good discussions in Damascus on issues related to Security Council [resolution] 2254 and I am following that up here today to have discussions on the same topics. I believe we made some progress in Damascus and I hope we can say that after my discussions here today as well. Thank you.

Riyadh, 23 March 2019