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Statement on behalf of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Mr. Staffan de Mistura

Statements and Speeches

UN Special Envoy de Mistura takes note of the conclusion of the expanded opposition conference hosted and facilitated very effectively by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh.

He notes the broad and inclusive participation in this conference, including all opposition components identified in Security Council resolution 2254 (2015) and a wide range of others from both inside and outside of Syria, including independents-and female participants.

He notes the unequivocal rejection of terrorism and the affirmation that the solution to the crisis is political.

He takes particular note of the fact that a negotiating team has been announced that is tasked to negotiate in Geneva without any preconditions, and that the implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions is regarded as the sole reference for the negotiation.

The Special Envoy confirms that he will be inviting the Syrian opposition delegation to Geneva for the intra-Syrian talks beginning on 28 November 2017.