Строка навигации

The Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission, under the Presidency of Germany, today concluded its seventy-fourth session.
Delegations from Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia addressed the fifteen-member Governing Council at its opening plenary meeting.
The Governing Council considered progress under decision 269 (S/AC.26/Dec.269 (2011)) and identified issues for each of the participating Governments to address with a view to fulfilling the mandate of the Follow-up Programme for Environmental Awards in the course of 2013. The Council also considered progress under decision 258 (S/AC.26/Dec.258 (2005)) with respect to the environmental remediation and restoration projects under the Programme.
The Council also considered reports on the activities of the Commission since the last session with respect to the current levels of income to the Compensation Fund, arrangements for ensuring continued payments, and other payment related activities.
At present, $13.6 billion remains owing to Kuwait for distribution to two successful claimants. Claims are paid with funds drawn from the United Nations Compensation Fund, which currently receives 5 per cent of the proceeds generated by the export sales of Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products in accordance with Security Council resolution 1483 (2003) and affirmed in subsequent resolutions, most recently in Security Council resolution 1956 (2010).
The session just concluded was the last session for the delegations of Columbia, Germany (President), India, Portugal, and South Africa (Vice-President), whose terms of office end on 31 December 2012.
The Council decided to hold its next regular session from 30 April to 2 May 2013.
Further information about the Commission, including the text of Governing Council decisions, can be found on the United Nations Compensation Commission website located at www.uncc.ch.
For use of the information media; not an official record