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Transcript of remarks by UN Special Envoy for Syria, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, following meeting with Russian Federation Minister of Defense, Mr. Sergey Shoigu

Press Conferences

Question: During the beginning of the conversation you said that you really supported and you highly evaluated and appreciated the Astana and Sochi processes, how do you think they are going to affect the prospective of the situation? and what contributions are they going to make.

SdeM: You started with the right word, I am expecting both Astana and Sochi to actually make a contribution to the Geneva process because with His Excellency the Minister we always agreed that, at the end, that is the only internationally recognized process. So we need to revitalize all three: Make Astana more consistent in de-escalation, make Sochi with its promise to become a reality and Geneva to use it.

This was a useful meeting, as usual, but particularly after this very difficult week, it was important we should meet.

We need not only military de-escalation but also political de-escalation, internationally.

Thank you.

Moscow, 20 April 2018