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Press Conferences

Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, and Ma Zhaoxu, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding whereby China will finance the full refurbishment and renovation of Cinema Room (Room C6) of the Palais des Nations.

“I am delighted that China is contributing to the preservation of the Palais des Nations, which constitutes a historical heritage for mankind and an operational hub of the international system. Member States across the world have shown signs of solidarity by supporting the renovation of the Palais des Nations, and it is great to have China on board as well,” said Mr. Møller.

The future multipurpose meeting room will be part of the renewed and more modern Palais des Nations.

Mr. Ma said that the funding for the renovation and refurbishment of Room C6 was a sign of China’s continuing support for the United Nations. He expressed the expectation that the room, which will carry Chinese features, will become a future landmark and an important meeting room at the Palais des Nations.

The Strategic Heritage Plan to renovate the Palais des Nations and construct a new building on the premises is presently in its planning phase. Building code compliance and greater accessibility for persons with disabilities are among the key objectives of the project. Restoration and construction work will begin in 2017 and is expected to conclude by 2023.

Room C6, with its original capacity of 156 seats, was built in 1936 and has served as a cinema room. The room has not been renovated since its commissioning, and it no longer complies with the safety standards in force. China will fund the costs of the renovation and refurbishment of Room C6, which are estimated at USD 3 million. The project will be implemented by the Strategic Heritage Plan Team, which will develop the design while taking into account Chinese cultural elements. The “China Room”, as it will be known, is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

For use of the information media; not an official record
