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Press Conferences

Following are the remarks made by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, at the
Global Compact Leaders Summit opening plenary held today at the Palais des Nations:

“It is a pleasure and a privilege to welcome you to the United Nations’ largest-ever gathering on corporate citizenship. It is very appropriate that we meet here at the Palais des Nations. As many of you know, an important part of this building – the Library – was donated by Mr. J.D. Rockefeller, Jr. to the League of Nations – which was later replaced by our United Nations – to serve as an instrument of international understanding. This gift was more than philanthropy; it represented a visionary recognition of the shared objectives of international organizations, international business and other stakeholders. As we come together to consider how to take our partnership forward in an era of ever-deepening interdependence, the Palais des Nations reminds us that our collaboration has deep roots and it bears witness to our common agenda: peace and prosperity for all.

The work of the international community in Geneva is a practical illustration of a multi-stakeholder partnership in action. The rich presence of international organizations, a vibrant civil society and a flourishing business community have stimulated the creation of a multitude of joint efforts that bring significant dividends for people across the world. The United Nations system in Geneva works to link these actors and to build strong partnerships among them.

The generous hospitality provided by our Host Country helps to nurture this dynamic international platform. The support for this Summit is further confirmation of the Swiss commitment to an inclusive multilateral process, which is greatly appreciated by the United Nations.

The United Nations family in Geneva works in areas that touch upon all ten principles of the Global Compact. Indeed, many of the conventions from where the principles are derived were formulated in Geneva, and a great number of United Nations entities here are involved in the implementation of these international instruments.

On an everyday basis, the United Nations family in Geneva is engaged in elaborating, helping to apply and monitoring technical standards, norms and agreements that – when combined – make up an essential infrastructure for the global economy. Through normative work and technical assistance in areas as diverse as health, labour, intellectual property, telecommunication and trade, we contribute to creating an enabling environment for economic and social development.

The United Nations family in Geneva is richly represented at this Summit and intends to share experiences and lessons learned, provide input and inspiration and to engage in a dialogue about how we may continue to enhance our partnership.

Today’s challenges are global in scope. We must combine the universal authority of the United Nations, the global reach of international business and the mobilizing power of civil society to confront these challenges together”.


For use of the information media; not an official record
